Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said professor of modern #Arab studies at Columbia University, in his book “The Hundred Years’ #War on #Palestine: A History of #Settler #Colonization and #Resistance, 1917-2017” has meticulously documented this long project of colonization of Palestine.
His exhaustive research, which includes internal, private communications between the early #Zionists and #Israeli leadership, leaves no doubt that the Jewish #colonizers were acutely aware from the start that the #Palestinian people had to be subjugated and removed to create the Jewish #state.
The Jewish leadership was also acutely aware that its intentions had to be masked behind euphemisms, the patina of biblical legitimacy by Jews to a land that had been Muslim since the seventh century, platitudes about human and democratic rights, the supposed benefits of colonization to the colonized and a mendacious call for democracy and peaceful co-existence with those targeted for destruction.

#Palestinian #Freedom #HumanRights


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