

#Biden Didn’t “Fail” To Get A #Ceasefire; He Never Tried

"He could have ended it with a phone call..." (ed. I disagree. Triggered #Zionists #doomsdaycult hasn't listened to ANYONE and won't)

"I’ve seen some people calling this a “failure” on the part of the Biden administration... It’s not a failure. You can only fail at something you tried to do. Biden and Harris didn’t “fail” at anything, they SUCCEEDED... helping #Israel destroy #Gaza." – #CaitlinJohnstone

#Netanyahu #Genocids #Hypocrisy #Propaganda


Multiple US Presidents Have Admitted the US "Government" Is Run By Inter-Generational Organized Crime

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an Invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul this unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.” – Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt - US President The Progressive Covenant with the People speech, 1912- Audio – Library of Congress


“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

-Woodrow Wilson, Former President of the United States, The New Freedom


E. Howard Hunt is probably one of the best-known CIA operatives in the world. Tom Cruise’s character Ethan Hunt in the Mission Impossible movies is based on E Howard Hunt and he was arrested as one of the Watergate burglars. On his deathbed he confessed to the CIA’s involvement in the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy including naming Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and the specific agency personnel involved in the plot: Cord Meyer, David Atlee Phillips, Frank Sturgis, David Morales, Antonio Veciana, William Harvey, and an assassin he termed "French gunman grassy knoll" who many presume is Lucien Sarti.


#USA #US #POTUS #CIA #FBI #Wilson #Roosevelt #Kennedy #deepstate #zionists #banksters #hidden-control #intelligence #finance #money #power


Image/photoSol wrote the following post Sun, 25 Aug 2024 18:41:53 +0300

New Complaint Filed Alleging that U.s. Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

#New #Complaint Filed Alleging that #US #Postal #Service ( #USPS ) #Committed #Electoral #Fraud in the #2020 #Presidential #Election

"A new development that merits attention. A complaint was filed on Friday before the U.S. District Court in Maryland presenting evidence that the USPS acted illegally in shipping at least one million mail-in ballots from a facility in Bethpage, New York to Pennsylvania on October 21, 2020. The suit was brought by attorney Brian Della Rocca, but the critical evidence was collected by two friends of mine — John Moynihan and Larry Doyle. Full disclosure, I have known John since 1998 and we were partners in BERG Associates, LLC. John, in my opinion, is one of the best financial and forensic investigators in the world. Hands down."


#USA #Biden #neocons #zionists #deepstate #corruption #american #elections #fraud #democracy #fail


You want PROOF? Look! ⬇️ There's your #proof .

You may have seen a story about Israel airstriking that Al-Jazeera reporter's family. It turns out that these people were in a Hamas Terrorist structure. If you know anything about how the I.D.F. works, you know that before they bomb a building, they call the locals and tell them to leave abd how they will hit the structure, and which nearby buildings will be safe. They then do "roof knocking," which is a first missile that makes a loud bang on the roof of a building. Then they do the actual airstrike. His family likely died out of being stubborn, or were executed by Hamas, as Hamas often forces innocents to such locations.

The MSM knowingly lies to people because they know the average American can get mad quickly, but actually has no interest in the region and so does not check to see if the data is correct.

Have you ever noticed just how many times Anderson Duper or any of a handful of other media personalities just happen to be in just the right location so that the building directly behind them is bombed? How does this happen all the time? Easy. I.D.F. has intel that a particular spot is a Hamas location, so they call the Arabs, warning them to leave, then they send in a roof knocking missile. Very very loud. It is the final warning. Then they blow up the building.

Think about it! Arabs make missiles that randomly kill or damage. Israel has rockets with pinpoint accuracy. Do you REALLY think they would spend all that money for fancy shmancy rockets to kill random civilians?!?! That would be like me using gold bullets to kill ducks. Makes zero sense.

So what happens is, Hamas will put elderly, women, and infants in a location about to be bombed, then the Palestinians can wail in the streets and the world blame Israel.

The land, by law, belongs to Israel. My desire is for Israel to go in on foot and tank and free the hostages, publickly execute any Hamas soldiers/ leadership, and then level and burn the land, to cleanse it. The Arabs there, most of them, are not generations long settlers. Most of those left years ago. The ones there now are violent and hate freedom and came there in the 1940's to 60's on construction jobs, and then just stayed. It would be like illegals coming to NYC, and then the media saying Manhattan was traditionally Mexican. Wait...WHAT?!?!!!?

Go online and find video after video of the "peaceful" palestinians beating innocent, captured Jews. It will probably have to be found on Bitchute.com or Rumble.com, because YouTube appears to hide or delete them. You can find videos that appear to show Jews picking on Palestinians, but are those videos heavily edited?


Here is an American explaining how America got the idea of roof knocking from Israel, and how civilians can die when not targetted.


Islam is a devlish system of death. They love death. The MsM usually edits things so you cannot see the heart of the true muslim. You have to go to Bitchute.com, Rumble.com, etc., to see accurate news.

If you follow me, or watch my YouTube or Rumble channel, you can see proof that I post, if YT doesn't censor it...again. They have deleted my comments endless times, shadowbanned me, and deleted a video where I simply asked a question about facemasks.

Many times they find HAMas is going in and out of a building, or the building conceals a bunker underneath that leads to tunnels.


If memory serves, they give them 15 minutes after the roof knock.


See how they already have a camera going, focused on the building BEFORE it is hit. They know when the rockets are coming, and where. Also notice the jumpcut to delete the 15 minutes.


If you understand how Islam works, you understand why/how "civilians" are killed. They are not innocent.

Many fundamentally do not understand islam. I would not suggest reading their trash, as it is of the devil, but their evil system teaches to befriend "infidels." They can go to their homes, have meals together, etc. This is the peace time. But then they grow in number in a country and the Imams begin to teach Defensive Jihad.  Basically, they are taught to be at peace with their host country, unless Islam or their false prophet is insulted. Then they can be violent. Once they grow larger, the Imams then teach Offensive Jihad.  This is the crazy terrorism and Sharia Law junk.

I once believed that there were peaceful and violent Muslims. But my friend, a former militant muslim from Pakistan taught me that the peaceful part is all part of the plan. Refuse to believe me? It is in their teachings.

Want to have some fun? Go on YouTube or anywhere muslims are, and ask them if they condemn their fake prophet for having sex with a 9 year old. He "married" Aisha when she was 6 years old. He says he first only fondled her when they bathed together, but once she turned the ripe old age of 9, he fully raped her. But he sure was a nice guy. He let only her continue to play with her dolls in his tent, wheras he did not with the others. So go ask muslims if they condemn the Profligate Muhammed's raping of Aisha. He also raped his sex slaves. Muslims refuse to condemn it, and in fact condone it, specifically saying it was acceptable.

Many sources call Aisha 9 years old when "married" to the false prophet. At least one says she was 7 years old. Sahil al-Bakari 51:58, 61:30, 51:33, 65:4, Sahil Muslim 33:11.

#Palestine #FreePalestine 🙄 #Hamas #Israel #Israeli #Jew #Jews #Jewish #Zion #Zionist #Zionists #Zionism #Judah #Juden #Palestinians #facts #media #OperationMockingbird #lies #lie #fact #IDF #IsraelDefenseForces #flattenPalestine #burnPalestine #war #Netanyahu #massacre ? #genocide 🙄 #Islam #muslims #AishaWas6 #Muhammed



Jewish Voice for Peace, the self-proclaimed progressive anti-Zionist organization that organized a protest that overran parts of the Cannon House Office Building on Wednesday, has deep connections to left-leaning foundations and organizers and a history of claiming Israel is an apartheid state engaged in genocide.

The organization portrays itself as a community for Jews “with justice at the center” and tells prospective members that “you are part of building a Jewishness and Jewish life beyond Zionism.” The protest Wednesday, which resulted in scores of arrests by Capitol Police, demanded a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

“We’re organizing a grassroots, multiracial, cross-class, intergenerational movement of U.S. Jews into solidarity with the Palestinian freedom struggle, guided by a vision of justice, equality, and dignity for all people,” the organization’s about page reads.

On Wednesday, after its protest was broken up by police, the group posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, that "we demand an end to genocide in Gaza," and "we must put the same effort into dismantling the systems of Zionism, apartheid, and colonialism that brought us to this moment."
#Jews #Zionists

The #Zionists could never have colonized the #Palestinians without the backing of #Western #imperial powers whose motives were tainted by #anti-Semitism.
Many of the Jews who fled to #Israel would not have done so but for the virulent #European anti-Semitism that by the end of World War II saw 6 million Jews murdered.
Israel was all that many impoverished and stateless survivors, robbed of their national rights, communities, homes and often most of their relatives, had left.

It became the tragic fate of the Palestinians, who had no role in the European pogroms or the Holocaust, to be sacrificed on the altar of hate.

#colonialism #colonization #apartheid #Palestine #history



The early #Zionists bought up huge tracts of fertile #Palestinian land and drove out the #indigenous inhabitants. They subsidized #European Jewish #settlers sent to #Palestine, where 94% of the inhabitants were #Arabs. They created organizations such as the Jewish #Colonization Association, later called the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association, to administer the #Zionist project.

But, as Khalidi writes, “once #colonialism took on a bad odor in the post-World War II era of decolonization, the #colonial origins and practice of Zionism and #Israel were whitewashed and conveniently forgotten in Israel and the West. In fact, #Zionism — for two decades the coddled step-child of #British colonialism — rebranded itself as an anticolonial movement.”

#history #apartheid #violence #HumanRights


The #Zionists — in a situation similar to that of today’s supporters of #Israel — were aware it would be fatal to acknowledge that the creation of a Jewish homeland required the expulsion of the #Arab #majority.
Such an admission would cause the #colonizers to lose the world’s sympathy.
But among themselves the Zionists clearly understood that the use of #armed #force against the Arab majority was essential for the colonial project to succeed.

#colonization #colonialism #Palestine #Palestinian #freedom #HumanRights


The #European powers dealt with the Jewish #refugee #crisis by shipping #victims of the #Holocaust to the #MiddleEast.
So, while leading #Zionists understood that they had to uproot and displace #Arabs to establish a #homeland, they were also acutely aware that they were not wanted in the countries from which they had fled or been expelled.
The Zionists and their supporters may have mouthed slogans such as “a land without a people for a people without a land” in speaking of #Palestine, but, as the political philosopher Hannah Arendt observed, European powers were attempting to deal with the crime carried out against Jews in #Europe by committing another crime, one against #Palestinians.
It was a recipe for endless #conflict, especially since giving the Palestinians under #occupation full democratic rights would risk loss of control of #Israel by the Jews.

#Palestinian #freedom #HumanRights


Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said professor of modern #Arab studies at Columbia University, in his book “The Hundred Years’ #War on #Palestine: A History of #Settler #Colonization and #Resistance, 1917-2017” has meticulously documented this long project of colonization of Palestine.
His exhaustive research, which includes internal, private communications between the early #Zionists and #Israeli leadership, leaves no doubt that the Jewish #colonizers were acutely aware from the start that the #Palestinian people had to be subjugated and removed to create the Jewish #state.
The Jewish leadership was also acutely aware that its intentions had to be masked behind euphemisms, the patina of biblical legitimacy by Jews to a land that had been Muslim since the seventh century, platitudes about human and democratic rights, the supposed benefits of colonization to the colonized and a mendacious call for democracy and peaceful co-existence with those targeted for destruction.

#Palestinian #Freedom #HumanRights
