(not my analysis) France is now a new type of illiberal democracy, a "police democracy" per scholar Sebastian Roché.

Elections are still free and fair, press is still free, the judges are still independent, however, the police is rogue, doesn’t fear the civilian leadership and can dictate terms to the elected government.

This type of illiberal democracy is special because it doesn’t need an electoral win for the far-right for it to happen. It could happen theoretically in any European state.

What are the "winning conditions" for a police democracy to take place?

1) Insecurity
2) Public fear of insecurity
3) Violent protests against the government
4) Some level of public support for police having more power.

A lot of European states, and the US meets those criterias.

#France #Democracy #PoliceState #Politics #Fascism #Europe #Macron #Police #fear #protests


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