One of the most active accounts on Twitter who's only purpose is to label the Iranian NIAC group in US as lobby of IRI regime,

I know many of the members of the group, including one of their founders Trita Parsi, despite our differences, the group is nothing even remotely supportive of the regime and the attacks against them is mostly from AIPAC "persian" branch. Pahlavi supporters, MKO/Rajavi cult members and neocons of various organizations in US.

NIAC was built mostly to provide impartial information to American media and politicians about the real costs of the US sanctions on average Iranians. They had strong presence at #WH during #Obama and helped John Kerry during his negotiations with Iran that led to #JCPOA.

The massive, well funded and vicious attacks in the past few weeks to use the uprising in Iran to destroy the legitimacy of the group is very similar to the campaign in UK against Corbyn and progressive members of the Labour party.

Sadly, many people unaware of the hands behind these campaigns, naively re-share and like their posts and helping them to spread their lies and character assassination of #NIAC members and anyone who comes to the defense of them.

#Iran #MahsaAmini #AIPAC #MKO

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