I Was Wrong: Federation, Re-shares, and Defunct pods

TL;DR: I'd posted something both confusing and based on utter misunderstanding and confusion over Diaspora* post IDs (GUIDs) a couple of hours ago.

I suspect my conclusions are actually correct, though the example was simply wrong.

With the shutdown of Joindiaspora as a full-service Diaspora* instance, I'd thought a post made from a profile on a different Pod had originated from Joindiaspora. It hadn't, and several conclusions are wrong.

I'd also messed up the GUID references in the original and federated examples.

If you don't know what this is referring to, ignore the commotion. If you did see the earlier, now-deleted post, or worse, re-shared it (I've commented noting my error to those posts that I could find), my apologies.

I do think that there are some quirks in federation when a pod goes offline. I'll need to find better examples. (I do have numerous of these in my own post archives, so stay tuned.)

I will note that Diaspora* federation is weird and has interesting edge cases.

#Diaspora #Joindiaspora #Pluspora #Federation #Tips #ThatTimeIWasWrong