

Hi Diasporians (kein Plan ob das euch alle richtig anspricht). Einige von euch kennen diesen Text. Denn ich habe diesen Text für meinen damaligen Umzug von wk3.org zu pod.dapor.net geschrieben. Nun also die leicht aktualisierte Version für meinen Umzug von pod.dapor.net zu diesen hier, diasp.org. Wie dem auch sei, da pod.dapor.net bald die Pforten schließt habe ich hier schnell einen neuen Hafen gefunden. Da schonmal many thx diasp.org. Ich bin alles andere als #neuhier auf Diaspora. Mein erster D*-Hafen war #joindiaspora, von da schipperte ich weiter zu #wk3, weiter zu #pod.dapor.net und nun lege ich hier an. Über all die Zeit mochte und mag ich den kreativen Content von euch allen, die alles andere als profanen Diskussionen und nicht zuletzt die spannenden Menschen, die ich teilweise schon in real life kennenlernen konnte. So und nun sammel ich mir “meine” Kontakte wieder ein.
Achso, ich interessiere mich für: #freeopensourcesoftware #foss #anarchie #kollektivismus #webdesign #grafikdesign #antifa -aus Prinzip! #it #linux #lineageOS #wordpress #joomla #umverteilung #420 und vieles mehr.

Achtung, now the english version - my english is, i would say A2 (Elementary)
Hi Diasporians (dont know if its sounds good to you). some of you know this text, couse i wrote it in the past when i moved from wk3.org to pod.dapor. how ever, pod.dapor.net will be closed in a few weeks and so i found a new habour in here. Many thx #diasp.org. I`m not #newhere at *Diaspora. My first habour was #joindispora, after that i discovered the habour of #wk3.org, then pod.dapor.net and now i will anchor here. All the time i enjoy that creative content, the deep conversations and never the less the interesting people, a few of them i met in reallife. Well, now i collect my “old” contacts.


#welcometomyworld ... aw. lost my old #joindiaspora post with that hashtag.

... i've still to get fluent at extracting info from the data dl with #jq.

that welcome to my world post(s), methinks a lot of peeps on other sites could benefit from hearing it. not really in a pleasant way ~ well, sorta pleasant, for some, re-framing their pain, but more so just to help people realise where we are, the situation we're in, to help them adjust to it, and not keep banging into it in the dark, injuring themselves more. nor encouraging others to take knocks in the dark either.

it's frightening (both in a #stultophobia way, and for the larger societal implications) how wrapped up and desperately clinging to the tightest #overtonwindow some people have become. especially in this insne backwards upside-down time. [(... and largely because of the #censorship bubble they dont realise is there, or worse, actively crave, pursue, and applaud. (oh my effing #waitiko nightmare tragedy)).]

reminds again of #MattiasDesmet's #PsychologyOfTotalitarianism...

and so that again why i want reach out to them... in #healthy ways, for their #health, to help them out of that #harmful #attachment.

#unhealthyattachment to #censorshipbubble and #strongman in the #freefloatinganxiety that breeds totalitarianism, and has people give away their power to #authority no matter how #attrocious ... and worse, they cling all the more tightly, the more insane and atrocious things get.

so... #thankyou, for every little you do to speak out against the madness, and help bring people back to sanity, out of the #massformation #psychelogical state of being.

i may have had a head start on betrayal by systems purported to care, and so longer to see through it, but then i also had a head start before even that head start, having already nearly been killed by #pharma, so i was already cagey aware they're not to be trusted, and that things purported to care, may not really care.

.. and when it's a Corporation...

a psychopathic system like a corporation

well, better to #facethehorror than get done in by it, by naivety, walking into its maw, thinking you're walking into its caring arms. NO! it does not care, it cannot care, it is mandated by law to maximise profits ("to protect the shareholders") ~ as if the ruthless greedy sorts it attracts needed that rule telling them to maximise wealth extraction, ha! ~ . . . and in the case of pharma, they bought themselves the elimination of a rule too, that of liability... so they can get away with anything, murder and worse. ... and still people gladly go forth... "if there was anything wrong, the media would tell us", so desperately they cling, refusing to put two and two together. and then pharma has friends who are known genocidali eugenicists and ecocidalists and anthrocidalists and omnicidalists ... and still people believe the lies, and run into the maw, all the more fervently...

keep on speaking out.

keep on speaking truth to power, and truth to the delusional disempowered.

silence kills all, and worse.


Third time is the charm. Not really #newhere, but after #joindiaspora and #Anjara pods closed, I was invited to Diasp.org by @V. T. Eric Layton. Thanks for the invite!

Looking forward to settling down here.

You will see posts about:

#science #philosophy #music (specially #jazz and #FrankZappa ) #fermentation (specially #WaterKefir and #sourdough ) #HigherEducation #Amsterdam #TheNetherlands (or #Nederland in the local language) plus some #randomthoughts . I have lately been getting into #psychiatry and #criminology has always been an intellectual interest for me. I am of course a user of #Linux but I am not that tech-savy. I do know #R because I teach #statistics . I am also interested in #SASS if you know what that means. I am probably forgetting stuff, but that is enough for now :)


Jean Qwertz will disapear to rise as Jean Qwertz 4punktnull

-> new one freund_blase@pod.dapor.net

Hi Diasporians (kein Plan ob das euch alle richtig anspricht). Wie dem auch sei, da wk3.org bald die Pforten schließt habe ich hier schnell einen neuen Hafen gefunden. Da schonmal many thx dapor.net. Ich bin alles andere als #neuhier auf Diaspora. Mein erster D*-Hafen war #joindiaspora, von da schipperte ich weiter zu #wk3 und nun lege ich hier an. Über all die Zeit mochte und mag ich den kreativen Content von euch allen, die alles andere als profanen Diskussionen und nicht zuletzt die spannenden Menschen, die ich teilweise schon in real life kennenlernen konnte. So und nun sammel ich mir “meine” Kontakte wieder ein.
Achso, ich interessiere mich für: #freeopensourcesoftware #foss #anarchie #kollektivismus #webdesign #grafikdesign #antifa -aus Prinzip! #it #linux #lineageOS #wordpress #joomla #umverteilung

Achtung, now the english version - my english is, i would say A2 (Elementary)
Hi Diasporians (dont know if its sounds good to you). How ever, wk3.org will be closed in a few month and so i found a new habour in here. Many thx #dapor.net. I`m not #newhere at *Diaspora. My first habour was #joindispora, after that i discovered the habour of #wk3.org and now i will anchor here. All the time i enjoy that creative content, the deep conversations and never the less the interesting people, a few of them i met in reallife. Well, now i collect my “old” contacts.


Hi Diasporians (kein Plan ob das euch alle richtig anspricht). Wie dem auch sei, da wk3.org bald die Pforten schließt habe ich hier schnell einen neuen Hafen gefunden. Da schonmal many thx dapor.net. Ich bin alles andere als #neuhier auf Diaspora. Mein erster D*-Hafen war #joindiaspora, von da schipperte ich weiter zu #wk3 und nun lege ich hier an. Über all die Zeit mochte und mag ich den kreativen Content von euch allen, die alles andere als profanen Diskussionen und nicht zuletzt die spannenden Menschen, die ich teilweise schon in real life kennenlernen konnte. So und nun sammel ich mir "meine" Kontakte wieder ein.
Achso, ich interessiere mich für: #freeopensourcesoftware #foss #anarchie #kollektivismus #webdesign #grafikdesign #antifa -aus Prinzip! #it #linux #lineageOS #wordpress #joomla #umverteilung

Achtung, now the english version - my english is, i would say A2 (Elementary)
Hi Diasporians (dont know if its sounds good to you). How ever, wk3.org will be closed in a few month and so i found a new habour in here. Many thx #dapor.net. I`m not #newhere at *Diaspora. My first habour was #joindispora, after that i discovered the habour of #wk3.org and now i will anchor here. All the time i enjoy that creative content, the deep conversations and never the less the interesting people, a few of them i met in reallife. Well, now i collect my "old" contacts.


So, fun little story about #joindiaspora, and maybe #diaspora in general.

I get a lot of takedown requests from Russia's "Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media", aka Roskomnadzor. As it turns out, there's a lot of content hosted on Geraspora that.. they really don't like for some reason. Weird. My usual response to those emails (or sometimes even letters!!) is to ... laugh and delete them. Unless something is violating German law, I give exactly zero fucks about their requests. They've sent me fun messages about bloking my entire infrastructure multiple times, and I know they even did a couple of times (but then removed it again, for whatever weird reason).


Today, I (as the person currently technically hosting JoinDiaspora), got another one of those fun messages, but this time about an image on JoinDiaspora instead of Geraspora. I've pasted the full message below in case you're curios how that looks like. It's worth noting that clearly, some Russian Agent did this whole thing by hand: The post isn't even there anymore, and the email addresses they sent the message to were not easy to discover: They sent an email to my business address that is listed in the domain's SOA record, to my private email address that's only listed on my website, and to the joindiaspora-sunset@diasporafoundation.org alias. You don't find those addresses automatically, you have to dig for them.

Unfortunately, this time, I actually found that the image in question was also violating German federal law. As a "service provider", this puts me in a difficult legal position: I'm generally not liable for user-generated content, but I become liable if I become aware of illegal content and don't act on it. In this case, the potential consequence could be a prison sentence between six months and five years. So I had to delete the image and notify the user (who, unfortunately, doesn't know about this since their email address bounced).

But instead of just deleting the image file and/or the post, ... why not leave them a little message instead?

I'm sure Roskomnadzor will appreciate us saying hello when they eventually check back to see if the image is still up. :)

Направляется уведомление о внесении в «Единый реестр доменных имен, указателей страниц сайтов в сети «Интернет» и сетевых адресов, позволяющих идентифицировать сайты в сети «Интернет», содержащие информацию, распространение которой в Российской Федерации запрещено» следующего(их) указателя (указателей) страницы (страниц) сайта в сети «Интернет»: https://joindiaspora.com/uploads/images/cb25e644d34007f891a3.png .

В случае непринятия провайдером хостинга и (или) владельцем сайта мер по удалению запрещенной информации и (или) ограничению доступа к сайту в сети «Интернет», будет принято решение о включении в единый реестр сетевого адреса, позволяющего идентифицировать сайт в сети «Интернет», содержащий информацию, распространение которой в Российской Федерации запрещено, а доступ к нему будет ограничен.

Сведения о включении доменных имен, указателей страниц сайтов сети «Интернет» и сетевых адресов доступны круглосуточно в сети «Интернет» по адресу http://eais.rkn.gov.ru .

С уважением,

Запущено официальное мобильное приложение РОСКОМНАДЗОРА.
Посредством мобильного приложения возможно:
1. Подать жалобу в «Единый реестр запрещенной информации» на обнаруженный в сети «Интернет» запрещенный контент;
2. Проверить ограничение доступа к интернет-ресурсам;
3. Получить оповещение о внесении в «Единый реестр запрещенной информации» интернет-ресурса в случае, если Вы являетесь его владельцем или провайдером хостинга.
Мобильное приложение можно скачать по следующим ссылкам:

It is notice of making an entry into the "Unified register of domain names, Internet web-site page links and network addresses enabling to identify the Internet web-sites containing the information prohibited for public distribution in the Russian Federation” the Internet web-site page (s) link (s): https://joindiaspora.com/uploads/images/cb25e644d34007f891a3.png .

In case the hosting provider and (or) the Internet web-site owner fail to take these measures, the network address enabling to identify Internet web-sites containing the information prohibited for distribution in the Russian Federation will be decided to be entered into the Register and access will be limited.

The information about entering the domain names, Internet web-site page links and network addresses into the Register shall be available on a 24-hour basis at the following Internet address: http://eais.rkn.gov.ru/en/ .

Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR).

The official mobile application of ROSKOMNADZOR has been launched.
Through the mobile application, it is possible to:
1. Submit a complaint to the "Unified Register of Prohibited Information" about the prohibited content revealed on the Internet;
2. Check the restriction of access to Internet resources;
3. Get a notification on inclusion of an Internet resource into the" Unified Register of Prohibited Information " if you are its owner or hosting provider.
The mobile app can be downloaded at the following links:



Socialhome.Network as a searchable federation archive

The Socialhome node https://socialhome.network/ is both widely federated AND searchable by non-members. It displays both posts AND profile pages even to non-members, which is NOT the case for Diaspora* pods.

If you're looking for specific content from a now-defunct pod, Socialhome may be able to turn that up for you.

You can search for a specific profile by the its handle, e.g., dredmorbius@diaspora.glasswings.com or dredmorbius@joindiaspora.com, for my present and now-defunct Joindiaspora profiles, using the site's Search feature.

My (now-offline at origin) Joindiaspora profile appears as:


Note that the profile GUID is NOT the same as it would be for my Joindiaspora profle itself (d8210c0de509264f`). The Diaspora* GUID can be used to construct a URL visible from the Diaspora* Pod you have an account on and are logged in to, but not as a globally-viewable third-party-accessible URL. Socialhome solves this problem.

That is, if you are on Glasswings, this URL links to my Joindiaspora profile:


But if you're not, it won't. Glasswings users might try a different pod such as Diasp.org:


Instead, third-party visitors are presented with a log-in / registration page. Socialhome solves this problem specifically.

There may be additional features / API apparent at the Socialhome GitLab repo: https://git.feneas.org/socialhome/socialhome

Noting that that is a FENEAS URL, also likely to go offline in the near future, GitHub:



The downsides to Socialhome seem to be that:

  • References to content and profiles does not follow Diaspora*-assigned GUIDs. That is, there's no automated way to refernece a specific post or profile.
  • I'm not seeing an obvious way of exposing a JSON abstract of posts or profiles --- the Diaspora* trick of appending .json to the end of a URL does not work, and I'm not seeing a JSON abstract in the raw HTML. There may still be an API.

Photos are displayed but appear to be served from the original host, not separately federated. Once the origin host goes offline, photo links / embeds will be broken.

It's not clear how widely or deeply content is federated, though some should be better than none.

This option was brought to my attention by @Isaac Kuo in comments here.

#Diaspora #DataArchival #Federation #SocialHome #Pluspora #Joindiaspora #DataMigration #Archives #Plexodus #GooglePlus #GPlus #FENEAS


#Pluspora Final Days --- Shutdown likely on 1 April 2022

For those who are still on the Pluspora Pod, final shutdown will be imminent in the next days. The planned shutdown date is 1 April 2022 so far as I'm aware.

The announcement and updates are here:



Announcement on Diaspora:

"It is with a heavy heart that we come to you with this post."

Federated copies:
- https://diasp.org/posts/f09b32d07568013a3ddf005056264835
- https://diasp.eu/posts/f09b32d07568013a3ddf005056264835
- https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/f09b32d07568013a3ddf005056264835

Archives: post:

https://archive.is/cuztp https://archive.is/rHhLP https://archive.ph/h3aw4

Things you should do NOW

  • Create a new profile elsewhere if you have not already. Diasp.org, Glasswings, and several other pods have welcomed well-behaved members. I can offer invites to Glasswings on request.

  • Tell others where you've gone, and where you've come from. That is, leave a FORWARDING address on your old Pluspora profile, and a PREVIOUS address on your new profile elsewhere. Posts tagged with #SIGNALFLARE will be easier for others to find as well.

  • If you have any thought that you might want to retain your old posts / content, archive that NOW. Note that given the passing of David Thiery, support for failed exports is unlikely, but you can at least try. Content cannot presently be imported to a Diaspora pod, but may be in the future. I've created numerous tools for working with that data described in posts below.

  • Federation will preserve at least some of your content on Diaspora*. This means that having followers on other Pods is highly useful. I've explored the possibilities and limits of this further elsewhere.

  • I've created tools and methods for archiving content, including automated submission of posts to the Internet Archive, and manual submission to Archive Today. Both rely on having a downloaded archive of your older content.

  • Follower / Block lists are not importable. You'll have to re-establish contact with people generally manually. Given that many Pluspora contacts were on Pluspora itself ... this may be complicated. The regular #Checkin posts are an excellent way to get back in touch with the community.

  • If you want your Profile Bio Page to be world-readable, you need to set that specifically at /profile/edit. Toggle "Visibility of your extended profile" to "Public".

  • If nothing else, you can save your Profile page at https://pluspora.com/u/<username> to the Internet Archive and Archive Today manually by visiting https://web.archive/org/save/ and https://archive.today. Do this after leaving a forwarding address to make your new profile easier to find.

  • Please do NOT delete your profile or posts if you wish for federated copies to remain available elsewhere. Unfortunately this is something of an unclean break. Deleting your profile will delete all your posts / comments to other pods.


Continuation / informational sites

There are a Pluspora Wiki and a Twitter group:

Data Migration Posts

The following posts offer tools and lessons learned in my own recent Pod migration.

Diaspora* Data Migration and Archival Lessons Learned

This is a summary of my discoveries and learning over the past two months or so concerning Diaspora* data archives and references as well as JSON and tools for manipulating it, specifically jq. ...


Diaspora Migration Tips and Questions Thread

I’m going to be posting suggestions and questions regarding migrating between and/or preserving Diaspora* profile data....


Diaspora* Migration & Data Archival: Finding your First Remote-Pod Followers

Federated content is likely to be found on remote pods from which profiles first followed you. You can find your earlierst remote-pod followers by going through your Notifications. Just note the pod.

This content may not be universally available to others, but offers some alternatives to archival in a pinch.


As a reminder: I was not a Pluspora member, though I'd revived my Diaspora* profile with the shutdown of Google+ in 2019, so many, many, many centuries ago... I did move recently from the now-defunct #Joindiaspora pod to my new home on Glasswings.

#DataMigration #DiasporaMigration #Pluspora #GooglePlus #Diaspora #DiasporaMigration #Migration #Diaspora #Help #Tips #DataArchves #Archives #Plexodus


How to Refer to Diaspora* Profiles Using Links

... and Otherwise --- Many Ways, Many Traps

Diaspora* being what it is, there are four principle ways to refer to a specific profile. Three are useful, though each in different ways, the fourth ... usually is not.

With many people switching pods either in the recent past or near future, understanding the differences, and their pros and cons, is helpful. This is also useful in referring to troll, sockpuppet, and spam profiles, for people tracking and sharing those. Unfortunately, there's accumulated software and system cruft,, unexpected behaviours, and resulting confusion over this.

I'm discussing alternatives, pros, cons, results, and methods here.

Three Recommended References

TL;DR: I recommend in generaly using all three of these references for maximum clarity and utility. I'm picking on @Lee Rothstein here as I'm adapting this post from a comment I'd just made on their own migration announcement:

I recommend NOT using the "/people/" form of link as it is almost always useless to viewers.

I explain this below.

Clickable profile reference:

@Lee Rothstein

Pro: Logged-in Diaspora* and Fediverse members can directly click on or hover over the link to add to / edit Aspects. Clicking on the link takes members directly to their Pod's instance of the profile's page.

Con: The profile's Pod is not directly viewable. Especially where people are changing Pods it is difficult to tell which Pod is being referenced. There are also problems with sock-puppet or spoof profiles impersonating others. Non-member / general public viewers are usually directed to a login/registration page. The actual username / handle name may not be apparent.

How to enter

Because Diaspora* interprets and modifies even escaped and code-block versions of profile-link references, I cannot show the actual markup directly, but split it in two parts.

The general form is @name@pod-url. For any extant user, ... that reference even in backticks or a code block will be interpreted and the entered code won't be presented when a post is viewed. The transformation is also present when extracting source markup from a post's JSON link, requiring profile references to be edited when resubmitting / re-editing posts using this method.

Instead I approximate by leaving off the initial @ character, as here. Include the initial @ to create the actual link.


The intended rendering is achieved by including the above plus an added initial @:

@Lee Rothstein

That can be clicked on directly, a hover-card will appear, and your profile can be followed from there, or your profile's page opened directly.

If I do include the initial @, even within a code block or backtics, Diaspora* expands the user name as well, after submission (so you won't catch this in preview), even in a raw-code block, as here. Again, what was entered was @ followed immediately by `{drldr@diaspora.permutationsofchaos.com}:

Backticks: @Lee Rothstein

Code Block

@Lee Rothstein

Raw full username reference


Pro: This shows the username and pod unambiguously. It's possible to tell what Pod is being referenced. The string can be entered into Diaspora*'s Search box to find the associated profile. (Diaspora* seems to really like hiding Pod context...)

Con: The reference isn't a link and cannot be interacted with and won't directly bring up the user's profile.

How to enter

Input the full user-handle reference leaving off the initial @ and surrounding curly braces ({}), inside backticks (`):

Lee Rothstein's raw profile: `drldr@diaspora.permutationsofchaos.com`


Lee Rothstein's raw profile: drldr@diaspora.permutationsofchaos.com

User home-pod URL reference:


Pro: Universal access for all Diaspora* AND non-DIapsora* viewers. Provides a clickable link to bring up member's Pod homepage. Will show content even if the user, Pod, or individual posts are locally blocked. Can be viewed by the general public and non-Diaspora* members, or when not logged in to a Diaspora* Pod. Unambiguously shows the Pod the profile belongs to.

Con: The link isn't interactable except to members of the profile's own home Pod. Many members won't be able to use this page to add or remove the profile from Aspects, to Ignore or Unignore the profile, or to interact (Like, Comment, Share) posts and content.

How to enter

As a standard URL. Angle braces (<>) remove ambiguity for referencing a URL, though they are not strictly necessary here.

Lee Rothstein's profile page:  <https://diaspora.permutationsofchaos.com/u/drldr>

Renders as:

Lee Rothstein's profile page: https://diaspora.permutationsofchaos.com/u/drldr


Generally do NOT use the /people/GUID/ reference

I see this used often, and it is the link format generally presented internally on Diaspora* for profile references. In most cases it will redirect the reader to a login/registration page rather than the profile in question. This tends not to be useful or the intended result.

/people/GUID/ reference


I'll note that Lee's profile does seem to appear for me, proving that Diaspora*'s inconsistancies are inconsistently inconsistent. This is not usually the case and is not reliable behavour. An alternate profile shows, at least as of now, the more typical result, a login/registration page on Glasswings:


Pro: The URL is easy to find for the submitter. This is the link that's generally shown when referring to a profile within Diaspora* Unfortunately it is useless to virtually everyone in the world.

Con: The link is typically useless to anyone not on the same Pod as you, and especially the general public. Most will be redirected to a login/registration page, which is probably not your intent.

How to enter

This is usually the link given when seeing a profile reference on Diaspora* As noted, Lee's profile seems to work for me, though @tom grzyb's does not, so I'll use tom's to illustrate the more-typical behaviour. I believe the hexadecimal string is the profile's own GUID (globally unique identifier), so I'm calling this the "/people/<GUID/' method.

Selecting the URL from that reference I get:




Opening that link in an incognito browser session, where I'm logged out, I see the Glasswings login/registration page. This is ... not especially useful, and isn't my intended result.

Oddly, in the case of Lee's profile, I do see his profile page. I'm not sure why this is.

The /people/ version is ... highly unreliable and usually does not work in my experience.

Bonus tip: Public Extended Bio visibility

Among information presented on a user's profile page may be an extended biography. This is not visible to the general public by default. In general I recommend you do provide information here, even if pseudonymous (as I have), especially when migrating between Pods. Of course if you have specific reasons not to do this, then don't.

**To make the extended biography information publicly visible, change the setting here: /profile/edit (Diaspora* Pods only, other Fedeiverse software may use different references).

For "Visibility of your extended profile" select "Public" to enable non-logged-in readers to be able to see your extended bio description, then save your profile settings by pressing the "Update Profile" button at the bottom of the page.

And if you've recently moved from another pod and want others to know your previous identity, this is a good place to leave tracks on your NEW profile. If you're planning to move pods in the future, you can also leave a reference here on your OLD profile.

See my own profile bios here as examples:

#Diaspora #Tips #DiasporaDev #Pluspora #Joindiaspora #Bio #Migration


Testing Joindiaspora and Federation

New On-Post Interactions Not Possible, Reshares Supported

I'm trying to figure out just how dead Joindiaspora is. The pod is now operating in "limited service mode". That means it's only mostly dead, and there seem to be some possible vestigal services operating. How much life remains in old content is ... unclear.

What it does not appear to support is federation of new comments to posts originating on the Pod. And even locally-added content seems to disappear after a brief period.

Test Case: "Data Storage Fabrication: Chancery Papermaking"

My case in is a 2021-8-2 post from my previous Joindiaspora profile: https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/cc9a87c0d62d0139b78f002590d8e506

That was originally posted as https://joindiaspora.com/posts/cc9a87c0d62d0139b78f002590d8e506, which should redirect you to the "limited-service mode" announcement on that pod.

Reshares seem supported

I reshared the post about 20 minutes ago here: https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/5a42dd907f27013a5b46448a5b29e257

That reshare was possible, which is unlike what I've seen for other downed pods, deleted users, or deleted posts.

Archive of the original post

There is an archived versions at:

Archive.Today, should show full contents as of the archive snapshot date. This is a post which was not successfully saved to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine as can be seen.

Testing new comments

A few minutes ago I commented on the Glasswings version of the post, here:


(That's ... meant to be a link to the specific comment.)

What I'd added was a brief note about federation testing, and links to a number of different pods all of which had already federated the post.

What you'll find at those links though, or at least what I'm seeing as I post this, is that the newly-added comment is not shown. Rather, the last-visible comment is the "Archive Tag" note I'd made as I was archiving the post itself.

Comment disappears!

And checking back now, I find that my newly-added comment has been removed from the post. I happened to have a tab open showing that comment and so grabbed a few screenshots which I'm including in this post. Visiting the Glasswings version of the post now, that comment has now disappeared.

I've tested with a subsequent comment. That appeared to post, but disappeared immediately on reload, similarly to how interactions on content by a profile which has ignored your own behave. Effectively, Joindiaspora seems to have "ignored" the world.

Conclusion: Joindiaspora posts will not support either federated OR local comments or interactions

New interactions on Joindiaspora may appear to initially apply, but will be at best transient. This should appliy to comments and likes.

Reshares however appear to be possible.

How much of this is a general behaviour of defunct pods and how much is specific to the "limited-service mode" of Joindiaspora ... I'm still not certain.

Interesting behaviour.

#Joindiaspora #Diaspora #Federation #Help #Tips #Podmin


Hallo zusammen, ich bin - nicht ganz - #NeuHier. Bis zuletzt war ich auf joindiaspora.com, sozusagen der Ursprung des Netzwerks hier. Den gibt es nun nicht mehr. Hatte mir die Profil- und Beitragsdaten heruntergeladen - aber wie bekomme ich die hier rein? Ansonsten starte ich hier einfach neu, was interessieren schon alte "Neuigkeiten", wobei ich ich schon auch viel altes Zeugs aufbewahre oder nutze, auch alte Dokumente und Fotos sind eine LEidenschaft von mir. Ansonsten interessiere ich mich für #bicycletravelling und #furnituredesign , ein Bereich in dem ich tätig bin.

#Diaspora #joindiaspora #ex


Internet Archive's Wayback Machine APIs

Say, for the sake of argument, that you've^†^ spent a few weeks trying to ensure that a set of URLs were archived at the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, and you're aware that not all of those URLs were in fact archived, but you^†^ aren't sure just which ones were or were not.

The question might occur to you^†^, "Is there some way of testing whether or not a particular URL has or has not been successfully archived? Preferably in an automated manner?"

And the answer to that question would be YES!!! Yes there is!!!

What you^†^ are looking for are the Internet Archive Wayback Machine APIs, and specifically:

Wayback Availability JSON API

This simple API for Wayback is a test to see if a given url is archived and currenlty accessible in the Wayback Machine. This API is useful for providing a 404 or other error handler which checks Wayback to see if it has an archived copy ready to display.

Quoting from the Archive:

The API can be used as follows:


which might return:

    "archived_snapshots": {
        "closest": {
            "available": true,
            "url": "http://web.archive.org/web/20130919044612/http://example.com/",
            "timestamp": "20130919044612",
            "status": "200"

if the url is available. When available, the url is the link to the archived snapshot in the Wayback Machine At this time, archived_snapshots just returns a single closest snapshot, but additional snapshots may be added in the future.

If the url is not available (not archived or currently not accessible), the response will be:



It's also possible to query for a specific timestamp, though not AFAICT for saves within a date range.

You^†^ are now running that check on a set of 1300 or so URLs you'd^†^ hoped to have saved in the past two months or so.

See Also: Data Migration Tips and Questions.


†: And my "you" I of course me "me".

#DataMigration #InternetArchive #APIs #Joindiaspora #JoindiasporaCom #Pluspora #Archival


I Was Wrong: Federation, Re-shares, and Defunct pods

TL;DR: I'd posted something both confusing and based on utter misunderstanding and confusion over Diaspora* post IDs (GUIDs) a couple of hours ago.

I suspect my conclusions are actually correct, though the example was simply wrong.

With the shutdown of Joindiaspora as a full-service Diaspora* instance, I'd thought a post made from a profile on a different Pod had originated from Joindiaspora. It hadn't, and several conclusions are wrong.

I'd also messed up the GUID references in the original and federated examples.

If you don't know what this is referring to, ignore the commotion. If you did see the earlier, now-deleted post, or worse, re-shared it (I've commented noting my error to those posts that I could find), my apologies.

I do think that there are some quirks in federation when a pod goes offline. I'll need to find better examples. (I do have numerous of these in my own post archives, so stay tuned.)

I will note that Diaspora* federation is weird and has interesting edge cases.

#Diaspora #Joindiaspora #Pluspora #Federation #Tips #ThatTimeIWasWrong


What Joindiaspora's "Limited-Service Mode" looks like and offers

The Joindiaspora Pod is back online following maintenance in "limited-service mode". It is NOT a full-fledged Diaspora* instance any longer.

The screenshots I'm including here show the accessible portions of the site other than my direct messages (which appear as they did previously). Front page, Notifications, and Profile menu. Notifications are visible, and I'm curious as to whether or not @Doc Edward Morbius (moved to Glasswings) will see this mention...

Also featured is the delightful magenta colour theme I'd chosen to provide a visual cue to myself that I was on Joindiaspora rather than Glasswings over the past few weeks.

It is not possible to read or create comments on the site.

It is possible to view private communications / direct messages.

The front page now notes:

As such, all features are disabled, including the ability to post new content. However, you still can:

  • Export your data, and initiate the account migration as soon it's done.
  • Send and receive private messages.
  • Delete your account.
  • Manage your profile and account details.

I've tested to see if posts can be retrieved via JSON, and that appears not to be the case. My own first post to the site being:


Via curl -I I see an HTTP 301 (permanently moved) response.

#Diaspora #Joindiaspora #Pluspora #Federation #Tips