Last week, I officially entered the club of people with #plants by adopting three plants from lovely friends. My previous experiences with plants went well, and the plants turned out very well done and crispy, so this is great. :p As people want to make sure I don't accidentally kill all my new housemates, I was tasked to take regular photos. So here we go: the first week. Let me introduce you.

(clicking on an image shows the full-size version)

The first, and probably cutest plant is a small chili named "Flämmchen". I adopted them from, and they're still super small and super cute:

We call them #rainbowChili, but we don't actually quite know the kind. My second plant, called "Feuri", is the same kind (we know this for sure, they both had the same parents!), but it has grown significantly larger:

Both chilis are still in their temporary housing, but they'll receive a new home early next week.

Last and certainly least, let me introduce you to "Jiaogu", a Gynostemma pentaphyllum baby I adopted from

They are still super young and have to stay in their temporary home for a bit longer, probably until September, while they're busy growing their roots.

None of them are crispy yet, so I think I'm doing an excellent job! Say hi!

#pflanzografie #plants #photography

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