

Hello, friends of high-quality Pflanzografie!

Now, let's start with the obvious. No, Feuri is not doing great. If you compare last week's image with today's, you'll notice that Feuri lost a lot of leaves. We don't know what's going on here. The Sciaridae may be still killing it, some other living thing may be killing it, it may grow some fungi, and... it's also possible that is has taken damage from being too wet (which was required to fight the Sciaridae with Nematodes, which do not like try environment)

I could not observe any living things besides Sciaridae. However, we still decided to spray the plant down with some oily water, soap water, and some milky water to kill off any potential animals and fungi. Now, I'll leave both chillis go really dry, because as I've said, they have been quite humid recently. Since I have not yet found the debugging interface for plants (it looks like neither has a serial port or anything like that), that's all we can do for now. Not too happy. :)

However, Flämmchen and Jiaogu are doing fine.

Flämmchen continued their streak of growing blossoms. I decided to stop trying to fertilize them with a brush, and I'll now treat them with positive vibrations. People On The Internet usually report higher success rates from vibrating the joy out of blossoms to make them grow fruit, so we'll see. Right now, there is one blossom-thingy which already dropped their petals, but everything else is still in place. That's usually a good sign, but you know that Flämmchen has been doing this multiple times, so... we'll see.

Jiaogu is still growing like crazy, and I'll probably move them into their new home relatively soonish. However, I'm a bit unsure if I want to do that now, given the new dirt possibly contains Sciaridae. I'll probably wait until I know what's going on with my chillis before I move Jiaogu.

Anyway, that's it. By the way, the entire Pflanzografie process takes about 58 minutes from start to finish, including setting up "the studio", editing photos, and posting on social media. Just in case you were curious.

Each plant has its own secret photo gallery, so you can easily compare images over time:

#pflanzografie #plants #photography


Yes, yes, I'm late. I know. Last weekend has been surprisingly busy, so sorry for the delay!

Unfortunately, all blossoms died over the last week, so I'm still with only one fruit. I don't know what's going on, but maybe, my chilis are too scared to grow new fruits because there still are some annoying flies left. I don't really have an update on the fly-front. The airbound force seems to be significantly reduced, as I catch fewer flies on my stickers than I expected, but who knows what's going on. We'll know if my counter-attack worked in a couple of weeks, I guess.

Don't be fooled by Feuri's purple fruit. Even though it's completely purple from that angle, the backside is still completely green!

Jiaogu is still... growing. The antenna is now long enough to be molded into a more photogenic position, so I did here. The leaves appear to be growing in literally all directions, so it's hard for me to pick a "front" view. Oh well, at least Jiagu enjoys the environment!

I'll try not to be late next time! :p

Each plant has its own secret photo gallery, so you can easily compare images over time:

#pflanzografie #plants #photography


Update time!

It's been a week, and there is some progress!

Jiaogu showed significant growth compared to last week. Even though it now kinda looks like I'm growing canabis, let me assure you that I am not. My burnplants have received new homes, as announced last week. So far, it looks like they like it, so I'm happy. Flämmchen grew quite a bit, and small flower buds started showing up everywhere. Same goes for Feuri, but one of the buds popped yesterday, so Feuri is now officially blooming! \o/ It may be a bit hard to spot on this background, but if you look closely, I'm sure you can spot the camera shy beauty.

Unfortunately, I still have not received the photo studio background I ordered. So this week, photos are made from a different angle and different lighting, which makes comparing certain aspects hard. But oh well, they're still pretty, and I'll have something reproducible once I have a proper background!

Each plant has its own secret photo gallery, so you can easily compare images over time:

#pflanzografie #plants #photography


Last week, I officially entered the club of people with #plants by adopting three plants from lovely friends. My previous experiences with plants went well, and the plants turned out very well done and crispy, so this is great. :p As people want to make sure I don't accidentally kill all my new housemates, I was tasked to take regular photos. So here we go: the first week. Let me introduce you.

(clicking on an image shows the full-size version)

The first, and probably cutest plant is a small chili named "Flämmchen". I adopted them from @waithamai@pod.geraspora.de, and they're still super small and super cute:

We call them #rainbowChili, but we don't actually quite know the kind. My second plant, called "Feuri", is the same kind (we know this for sure, they both had the same parents!), but it has grown significantly larger:

Both chilis are still in their temporary housing, but they'll receive a new home early next week.

Last and certainly least, let me introduce you to "Jiaogu", a Gynostemma pentaphyllum baby I adopted from @dot_dee@pod.geraspora.de:

They are still super young and have to stay in their temporary home for a bit longer, probably until September, while they're busy growing their roots.

None of them are crispy yet, so I think I'm doing an excellent job! Say hi!

#pflanzografie #plants #photography