A reminder of the past: US Black Water PMC’s convoy compilation - Iraq

Just watch this video and then watch it again, these are the guys who are on social media having US and Ukraine flag and complain about Russian atrocities.

This is also a reminder to all those #NATO supporting idiots who think EU has any legitimacy in their "heroic" action in defense of Ukraine.

And remember the Russian soldier who was convicted of war crime for shooting and killing a civilian who was getting too close to their tank and compare that to this whole video.

This was #Iraq every day, everywhere and for years and none of those disgusting hypocrites raised their voice against them nor did anything to prosecute and sanction #US and companies and oligarchs supporting them.

How many of those criminals are now in Ukraine as "volunteers" or "supporters" of UA?

#Iraq #BlackWater #WarCrimre #Hypocrisy #DoubleStandard #Russia #Ukraine