In a powerful news week - War, democracy, train disaster, earthquake, climate, etc ...

Within the finite and grossly reality-distorted world of MTG -who is "Representative" of something!- following her own divorce, she's calling for a national "divorce" of red & blue #tribes (Civil War? Massive re-zoning/emigration?) AND she's #grifting to end support for Ukraine!

MTG's Latest Gig Seems to Suit her Well. (Song Parody)

MTG - Jewish Space Lasers

She's more than an embarrassment & a diversion. She's a danger and affront to ... (US) civilization. She's now the latest #TrumpVirus variant to use office for grifting and attention-getting. Sewing division, disruption, and disinformation, she's strutting about calling for "national divorce" between red & blue. Like Blue and Red Meanies? Martians? Plus she's now grifting in ads like TFG did: "Stop World War 3" and take money away from Ukraine and ... build a wall? But send the money to her front org, thanks. (So smart!)

From a discussion about all the challenges before us and all the incredibly disconnected fantasies, delusions and distractions, not to mention love of attention. (She is "Representative"/ Of who? oh, #GQP, yes, got it) - along came this appraisal. She's not only Qwazy, she's dangerous. Because people follow her, believe her, and are drawn further away from what we left in 'woke reality' state know as #truth.