

Is Trump Really Calling the Shots?

Just when you think it can’t get weirder or more dysfunctional …

So, just who is calling the shots/pulling the strings? (Elon? Vlad? #Project2025 ? #brainspurs on steroids?)
A fair and important question.
Anyone remember long ago - in the days before #MuskVirus - when Sir stood dancing silently with stars in his 'mind' for what seemed like forever (at a "rally"!) or imitated sex w/ a microphone (or flag), or spoke of Washington (George) taking airports?! Or a virus "hoax"?

#TrumpVirus #dementia #psychopathology #Article25 #disinformation #fantasy #GQP #media vs. #truth #reality #democracy


Meanwhile... I've been drilling down on the Kerfuffle over "Morning Joe" and sidekick house-calling on Sir...

Not privy to what actually went on down in the swamps of Mar-a-lago, nor the context of whose idea it was, the goal, the "fear" or "service" or $$ - (or stay out of jail cards?) justifying the effort, etc. etc....

Right now there are many big discussions - reactions, & reflections - about #MSNBC, &/or its management or individual journalist/reporters - and same for CNN, NBC, Fox, et al - plus the nonstop #disinformation from the bubbles of #Truth #X , and the sacred podcasts of #doublespeak spew from the Ministry of " #Truth ". Plus occasional #BrainSpur - induced #WordSalad" proclamations.

And of course - widening the lens - "the press" writ large is now anticipating the incoming dynasty of Lord #TrumpVirus and his Senators of #insanity and #nihilism, our new arbiters of #reality as sold on their own media platforms in #GQP world &or #Muskville

‘Morning Joe’ Hosts Hit Back at Critics After Jon Stewart Mocks Them on ‘Daily Show’

So I'll let Jon Stewart tie it all up.
I ended up following the wormhole of #media bias and #corporate #propaganda, etc... and ended "here".
With some context and a video, along with a much-needed smile. Enjoy!



Something from "the failing New York Times" *
Not that they have any more clue than does Lord StableGenius, what he might do.... but a grounded (and un-paywalled) first take.

### What a Second Trump Term Could Mean for Your Money

Here’s what the president-elect has said he might do with your taxes, student loans, Social Security and more.

  * (Sir #TrumpVirus term). #truth #ElectionsHaveConsequences #GQP #cult #election #USeconomy #taxes


Well, why not, in the cosmic yin/yang of things?
As an anti-vaccine crazy with brain worms and affinity for eating roadkill is nominated to "go wild" on health, by Sir #TumpVirus.
And Tulsi Gabbard to "intelligence" head? Kimmel said he interviewed he and "intelligence" would not be the word he'd use.
And a criminal seditionist and child sex trafficker ("allegedly") quits Congress to kill a report on him, and serve his #GQP master...

The Onion buys Alex Jones' Info Wars at Auction

Maybe this makes perfect cosmic sense, given our new immersion in the #GQP #doublespeak anti- #truth #cult of #psychopathology


Meanwhile, 70 days left of a Constitutional republic/democracy.... :-(

"Now would be a good time to wake up"

#GQP #TrumpVirus #Project2025 #truth #fascism #history #denial #cult #psychopathology