1 Qorinthíym 6 (1 Corinthians 6)

The pure ones may judge cases
1 Does anyone of you who has a matter against the other, dare to go to trial before the unrighteous and not before the pure ones?
2 Do ye not understand that the pure ones shall judge the world? And if ye judge the world, are ye unworthy of making the smallest judgments?
3 Do ye not understand that we shall judge envoys? Then much more so, things relating to the present existence!
4 Then when ye do have a tribunal of things relating to the present existence, ye set up those ones who are least esteemed within the convocation to judge!
5 I speak to you in this way for shame. Isn't there even one wise man among you, who shall be able to make settlements between his brothers?
6 Instead, a brother goes to law against his brother, and this before unbelievers!
7 Therefore indeed there already is altogether a failure among you, because ye have lawsuits among yourselves! Why not rather suffer injustice? Why not rather be defrauded?
8 Instead, ye do injustice and defraud, and these things of brothers!
9 Or don't ye understand that unjust ones shall not inherit the Kingdom of Yâ-hwéh? Do not be misled: neither male whores, nor image-worshippers, nor adulterers, nor effeminate men, nor males who lie with males as if with women,
10 nor thieves, nor avaricious ones, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers shall inherit the Kingdom of Yâ-hwéh!
11 Though some of you were these things; nevertheless ye were washed, nevertheless ye were purified, nevertheless ye were justified within the name of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa, the Deliverer, and by the spirit of our Power.

Avoiding the errors done against the body
12. All substances are lawful to me, nevertheless not all things are advantageous; all substances are lawful to me, nevertheless I will not be brought under the control of any.
13 The meats are for the gut, and the gut is for meats, yet Yâ-hwéh will render both this and these entirely idle. But the body is not for fornication, instead for Yâ-hwéh, and Yâ-hwéh is for the body,
14 just as the Power [of Yâ-hwéh] also raised up our Sovereign, and He will resuscitate us through His Force!
15 Don't ye discern that your bodies are members of the Anointed One? Then having taken the members of the Anointed One, shall I make these members of a whore? May it not be!
16 Or don't ye understand that he who is joined to the whore is one body? "...For they shall be" He says: "for one flesh."
17 And he who is joined to Yâ-hwéh is one spirit.
18 Flee fornication! Every error that a man might perform is outside of the body, but he who indulges in fornication errors against His own body.
19 Or don't ye understand that your body is a temple building of the spirit of the Pure One within you, which ye hold from Yâ-hwéh, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye were bought with a price! Honor indeed Yâ-hwéh within your body and within your spirit, which are Yâ-hwéh's!

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