Oh joy... having heard from (and called Diane by) Scalice, #GymJordan, and #RabidRubio, now I've earned a once in a lifetime chance to be on a VIP waiting list! Oh boy oh boy! I can fund the GQP #TrumpVirus cult in installments and be a VIP! If I'll only act now! Maybe I can get in on the action! Gee, it must be standing room only! And here's a chance to reserve a seat for the show!

Step Right Up

This also reflects something not widely noted in #media reports framed as a battle for and against factual reportage of "news" or pro/against "alternative fact" based "entertainment" like Carlson preaching to a cult who believe he walks on virtual water...

So let me thin-slice the messaging here. After ignoring the invitations to be a valued conservative VIP member of the original Trump-Brand media empire, now re-branded and enormously financed, I'm being enticed to re-think my having ignored Jordan & Rubio's plea to defend the free world from socialists, and given the chance to be on a wait list for this huge effort a third alternative-reality network, signed onto by all these fundraising slime machines, all using the same template grifting email, sent to all the Dianes out there.

Whew! #MakeAmericaSaneAgain - Stop the #TrumpVirus - #StaySafe