"Sora AI: When progress is a bad thing."

This guy did experiments where he asked people to pick which art was AI generated and which art was human made. They couldn't tell the difference. Almost nobody could tell the difference.

To be sure, and "just to mess with people", he would tell people AI-generated art was made by humans and human art was made by AI and ask people to tell him how they could tell. People would proceed to tell him all the reasons why an AI-generated art piece was an amazing masterpiece clearly crafted by human hands -- with emotions and feelings. And when shown art made by a human and told it was AI-generated, people would write out a paragraph describing to me all the reasons how they could clearly tell why this was generated by AI.

That's pretty interesting but actually not the point of this video. The point of the video is that AI art generators don't give people the same level of control over art they make themselves, but it clearly has the understanding of, for example, what is a road and what is a car, and a basic understanding of physics and cause and effect of things.

He thinks we're very close to being able to take a storyboard and "shove it into the AI and it just comes up with the perfect 3D model based on the sketch, comes up with the skeletal mesh, comes up with the animations it -- infers details of the house based on your terrible drawings -- it manages the camera angles, creates the light sources, gives you access to all the key framing data and positions of each object within the scene, and with just a few tweaks you'd have a finished product. The ad would be done in like an hour or two, something that."

He's talking about the "Duck Tea" example in the video -- he made up a product called "Duck Tea" that doesn't exist and pondered what would be involved in making an ad for it.

"Would have taken weeks of planning and work, something that would have taken a full team a long time to finish, would take one guy one afternoon."

The solution: Vote for Michelle Obama because she will introduce Universal Basic Income?

Sora AI: When progress is a bad thing - KnowledgeHusk

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