Review of Originality.AI, "A plagiarism checker and AI detector built for serious content publishers."

This is a paid tool, one cent per credit, so one credit scans about 100 words, so if you had a thousand word article you would end up spending about a dime, in order to have it checked for plagiarism as well as AI detection.

Cutting & pasting AI-generated content...

NeuronWriter -- 10% original, 90% AI.

Jasper -- 1% original, 99% AI.

WriterZen -- 0% original, 100% AI.

Frase.IO -- 1% original, 99% AI.

WordHero -- 97% original, 3% AI.

And the one you've all been waiting for... (spoiler) ChatGPT -- 1% original, 99% AI... + 10% plagarism.

But wait, there's more.

Quillbot rewrites and rephrases content, and can take output from, say, Jasper, and makeg it go from 99% AI to 92% original, 8% AI.

So Originality.AI isn't perfect, but it's pretty darn impressive! How does Originality.AI do that?

Well, in "Key differences between human-written and AI-generated text", they say: "AI tools are trained on 45 terabytes of web information (the equivalent of 56 million books). They are not, however, trained to be creative or to think outside the box. Therefore, AI-generated text is often flat and unoriginal."

"But that's just one of the key differences to look out for. Let's peruse the others:"

"Zero grammatical inconsistencies or errors: It's very rare for an AI content generator to make grammatical mistakes." "Human-written copy is ripe with errors; it's part of the creative process that AI tools can't replicate"

"Repetition or redundancy of words or phrases: Think of AI text generators as pattern followers. These tools aren't freethinking in the same way that a human is."

"An absence of emotion or personality: This is a big one: humans are great at infusing text with personality and emotion."

"Factual errors: AI text generators are particularly convincing when it comes to 'stating facts' -- but they're all bark and no bite."

"Unusual choice of words: Human writers don't tend to use the same words over and over; instead, they mix them up with synonyms and different sentence structures."

"Lack of context; irrelevance: Ever read an article that seems to be following a logical progression, but suddenly goes off the rails and starts talking about something entirely unrelated? That's AI-generated copy for you."

"Lack of tone and style: Unless you are a particularly skilled content generator, it is immensely difficult to make an AI text generator embody a unique tone of voice."

New Tool EXPOSES ChatGPT (other AI Writers, too) - Amazing Online Business Tools

#solidstatelife #ai #nlp #plagarism

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