Conservative leaders of areas in southern parts of Stockholm have made it really difficult for people to vote,

People stood in line for hours and some older people decided to leave because they couldn't stan it any more.
#Val2022 #Riskdagsval2022 #ELection2022 #SwedishElection2022 #ChooseWisely #Politics #Sweden #Sverige

It is really depressing to see that they are even copying voter suppression from the US and doing everything in their power to minimize the number of people who historically vote for social democrats or left.

in my 35+ years since i became Swedish citizen, I have never heard of such problems.

This is infuriating.

Ulf Sterner var en av flera upprörda SödertÀljebor som lÀmnade kön utanför vallokalerna pÄ söndagen.
Vid vallokalen pÄ Hagabergs folkhögskola ringlade sig kön tidvis lÄng under söndagen, vilket vÀckte stor frustration hos vissa och en del lÀmnade till och med kön.

– SĂ„ hĂ€r ska det inte vara. Jag Ă€r skitförbannad pĂ„ ren svenska, sĂ€ger Ulf Sterner till SVT Nyheter SödertĂ€lje, innan han vĂ€nde hem för att komma tillbaka senare i hopp om att kön försvunnit.

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