RetroGamingShorts part 035 - Rise Out From Dungeons

Rise Out From Dungeons 1983 (MSX)

Another Lode Runner style puzzle platformer, but looks are deceiving. Despite the visual similarity to Lode Runner, Rise Out has very different tactics that revolve around figuring out how to guide the enemies in ways that let you get around them.

Unlike Lode Runner, the enemies simply try to head toward you, which greatly simplifies how to guide them, but also makes it difficult to do so in a way that you aren't trapped. Also unlike Lode Runner, you can't dig a hole right next to you, which is the usual way you escape your pursuers (you simply dig a hole next to you, so the enemy falls into it, and then you can walk over).

#RetroGamingShorts #Retrogaming #MSX

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