

RetroGaming Shorts Part 062 - Fire Town

Fire Town 1987 (MSX)

I haven't seen any info on Fire Town, which looks a lot like Rise Out From Dungeons. Basically like Lode Runner, but not quite. Puzzle platformers are pretty popular today, but it's also cool to look at real old school puzzle platformers for game design inspiration.

Fire Town and Rise Out show how small modifications to the "rules" and goals can really change things up compared to Lode Runner.


#RetroGamingShorts #RetroGaming #MSX


RetroGamingShorts part 035 - Rise Out From Dungeons

Rise Out From Dungeons 1983 (MSX)

Another Lode Runner style puzzle platformer, but looks are deceiving. Despite the visual similarity to Lode Runner, Rise Out has very different tactics that revolve around figuring out how to guide the enemies in ways that let you get around them.

Unlike Lode Runner, the enemies simply try to head toward you, which greatly simplifies how to guide them, but also makes it difficult to do so in a way that you aren't trapped. Also unlike Lode Runner, you can't dig a hole right next to you, which is the usual way you escape your pursuers (you simply dig a hole next to you, so the enemy falls into it, and then you can walk over).


#RetroGamingShorts #Retrogaming #MSX


RetroGaming Shorts Part 018 - Nemo 1983 Andrew Key Continental Software

Nemo 1983 (Memotech MTX)

I haven't found much info on this game, but it's plainly a clone of Jeff Minter's Gridrunner ... but rethemed to an ocean setting and with terrain that mixes things up.

I actually love the retheme ... you've got shark fins for the main enemies, and the green water is ... eh, okay I don't know what's up with that.

The MTX had hardware similar to MSX, but I don't know whether Nemo had any port to MSX or other similar hardware (such as ColecoVision/Adam).


#RetroGamingShorts #RetroGaming #MemotechMTX #MTX #MSX


#128 - #Présentation de mon #Amiga 1200 (68030@50 Mhz + CF 4Go) - #GunhedTV

Présentation de mon #Amiga1200 équipé de sa carte accélératrice #68030 cadencée à 50 Mhz et de 16 Mo de RAM.
A l'intérieur j'utilise une carte Compact Flash de 4 Go pour stocker le système d'exploitation, le #Workbench, quelques #jeux et #démonstrations...
Et comme vous êtes sages, je vous montrerai comment la #GameBoy, le #MSX ou encore la #Sega #MasterSystem peuvent se retrouver sur un Amiga :)



#RECOIL - #Linux

#picture #image #viewer of picture image #formats from #classic #computers.

#XnView MP #plugin

#GIMP plugin

#GNOME thumbnails

#Amiga, #Amstrad CPC, #Apple II, #Atari 8-bit/Portfolio/ST/TT/Falcon, #BBC #Micro, #Commodore VIC-20/64/16/116/Plus4/128, #Electronika BK, FM Towns, #HP 48, #Macintosh 128K, #MSX, #NEC PC-80/88/98, #Oric, #Psion Series 3, #SAM Coupe, #Sharp X68000, #Tandy 1000, #Timex 2048, #TRS-80, TRS-80 Color Computer, #ZX81 and #ZX Spectrum computers.



RetroGamingShorts part 014 - Moai no Hihou

Moai no Hihou (Secret Treasure of Moai) 1986 (MSX)

This is another action puzzle game which serves as inspiration for my ghost story/magical realism themed puzzle game, along with Princess Rescue and Deepest Sword

The basic mechanic is that you can hammer a red stone and this causes any supported red stones to fall down. I'm not really sure how I'll incorporate this, but I really like how such a simple mechanic really makes you think in order to make it through a level.

#RetroGamingShorts #Retrogaming #MSX


Es ist wieder soweit: XzentriX

Das 21. XzentriX Treffen 2019 wendet sich an Computerfreunde, die
an ein Leben nach der Standardsoftware glauben.
Das Treffen findet in einer Halle in Seeshaupt statt. Aufgrund des
nicht allzureichlich vorhandenen Platzangebots müssen wir leider
die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzen. Meldet euch möglich früh an, damit
wir einen Überblick haben wer kommt.

Endlich eine Veranstaltung für:

Archimedes/RiscPC/A9 oder einfach #RiscOS
Rubiks Cube
Apple I/Apple II*
#C64 /C128/C16/VC20
#Acorn BBC
TI 99/4A
...und alles was sonst noch so 8 Bit über den Bus schaufelt oder aus anderen Gründen Kult-Bonus geniesst