Florida Republicans forbid Floridians from even saying "climate change"

Amid Record Heat, Florida Meteorologist Rips GOP 'Don't Say Climate Change' Law

"We implore you to please do your research and know that there are candidates that believe in climate change and that there are solutions, and there are candidates that don't."

... The new law, signed last week by Republican Gov. DeSantis, also deprioritizes climate considerations in policy decisions, promotes fossil fuel infrastructure development, and bans the installation of wind turbines in state waters. While signing the bill, the failed 2024 GOP presidential contender said Florida was "restoring sanity in our approach to energy and rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots."

But of course this "Don't say climate change" law is just one of the many ways in which the GOP is tilting against reality itself:

... The so-called "Don't Say Climate Change" law signed by DeSantis is but the latest salvo in the right-wing governor's "war on woke" that includes rolling back LGBTQ+, student, migrant, reproductive, protest, First Amendment, and other rights and protections.

Hey, GOP, a bit of advice: You can't bet against reality and win.

To wit:

"Workers in Florida will die in the Florida heat as a result of Gov. DeSantis' signing this bill," Public Citizen worker health and safety advocate Juley Fulcher said after the governor signed the law last month. "Denying any worker access to water or shade in the heat of summer is inhumane and cruel, yet Florida just allowed employers to do exactly that."

#Florida #GOP #ClimateChange #Denialism
