13 April, 2024 Saturday Panchami #Orange #Skandamata Puja

#Goddess Skandamata rides a ferocious #lion and carries the many-headed baby #Kartikeya in her lap. The goddess has four hands with the right hand in the Abhaya #Mudra. A crescent #moon of Lord #Shiva can also be found on her forehead. She sits on the #lotus flower and because of that Skandamata is also known as Goddess #Padmasana. Red-colored flowers are her favorite.

Navratri 5th Day Puja Vidhi
For the purpose of Kundalini Jagaran worshipers who are worshiping NavaDurga, on Navratri day 5 is done by the sadhana of the pure chakra. In order to penetrate this cycle, the seeker must worship Skanda Mata with proper Vidhi-Vidhan. Sitting on the holy seat of Kush or blanket for worship, you should start the puja process in the same way as you have done in Kekar ​​days, then you should pray to Goddess with this mantra "Sinhasanganata Nitya Padma Ashtakarwar Shubhadastu Sada Devi Scandamata Yashaswini. Now worship Skandmata by Panchapur vidhi. The fast on this day is said to be fruitful. Jai Bhakta Devi Skanda.

Devotees receive the blessings of the Goddess who worship the mother with devotion and affection. The wishes of the devotee are fulfilled with the grace of Goddess Skandamata and happiness, peace & prosperity remain in the house.

Navratri 5th Day Aarti and #Mantra
Om Devi Skandamatayai Namah.

Simhasanagata Nityam Padmanchita Karadvaya,
Shubhadastu Sada Devi Skandamata Yashasvini.
Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Ma Skandamata Rupena Samsthita,
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah.

Worshipping Skandamata on the fifth day of Navratri holds great significance. Skandamata is believed to bestow salvation, power, and prosperity upon her devotees. She can even grant wisdom to the illiterate. Those selflessly devoted to her attain the achievements and riches of life.

Her worship brings a twofold blessing, as the devotee not only worships Skandamata but also automatically worships Lord Skanda, her son in her lap. Thus, devotees enjoy the combined grace of both deities.

Skandamata is linked to the #heart #chakra which symbolizes #love, compassion and also promotes emotional balance and harmony.

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