#Math - #English - #Science #learning #Book disappeared!

Hi guys,

this is something that is driving crazy my wife and my self, we are realizing that do no exist real, or physical, books where the kids can study on. Everything is completely aleatory.

Here in #Florida exists for instance some guidelines but you cannot find a book. I help my son doing his homework when I ask him the source or I need myself to verify something there is nothing, we have to rely on Wikipedia only!

It is crazy!

My nephew in Italy has her books of Italian, Geography, Math & Algebra, Geometry, History etc... I did the same back to my time. I had books to read and to study, every years!

If you do a research, for instance, in Amatson you can find thousand of workbooks and practices book but not a learning book!

Ohmy god! What is happening?

This is insane, and if we express our concern to the other parents look that we are the only ones that feel this situation so unusual...

I recently took a course at the college and I remember that all the books that I had to read were accessibile only through an online paying subscription and only for a very limited time! Absurd! I still have at my parents' home all the books I studied for my graduation, I will send those to me when we will have enough space to take them.

I do not understand when in this county the right of having learning books has been revoked!

#school #education #RightToStudy #RightToOwnYourLearningBooks