

News | BBC: Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say

The Greek coastguard has caused the deaths of dozens of migrants in the Mediterranean over a three-year period, witnesses say, including nine who were deliberately thrown into the water... (weiter) (Screenshot)

#News #Greek #Refugees #Mediteranean-Sea #Throwback #murder #CoastGuard #english #bbc #2024-06-21


Dear #developer,
I’m reaching out to you to offer you an #opportunity to make you and your #projects better known.
#Unitoo (unitoo.it/en), in 2019 started a #radio (radio.unitoo.it) dedicated to #FOSS and #CreativeCommon #music.
I’d love for you to join them and contribute to some content.
You’ll be entitled to a 3 minutes free #audio recording, to #promote your #code #repository and a chance to discover new #opportunities in the #world of #Software #Development.
A looped #broadcasting of such content/media will be scheduled to grant everyone the chance to promote their #work.
At first a recording in #English would be preferable to reach a wider #audience.
How to join? Send them an email with the following:

- #voice recording
- a #title
- #Author’s name
- a brief #summary of your project
- #link to the code repository in question at radio dot unitoo dot it and they’ll handle the rest.

This is just the #beginning.
They have #planned a #series of #podcast that can feature your project.
We believe FOSS is severely lacking in #visibility and want to #change that by providing a stage for you all to perform on. Your #contribution is greatly appreciated.

Happy #HackListening!


#Bahreïn : l'archipel de la démesure du golfe Persique

#Documentaire 52min : https://piped.adminforge.de/watch?v=r6squJlmX9M
Langues : #Français #English (choix possible avec #Piped - voir le menu de la vidéo)

#Riches #Héritiers #ArabieSaoudite #Iran #Irak #Koweit #Qatar #Déclin #Pétrole #Luxe #Immobilier #Bahrain #Golfe #Golf #Gulf #Dubaï #Discrimination #Monarchie #Alcool

-- Quelles sont les différences entre #sunnites et #chiites ?

Une majorité de musulmans soutiennent Abou Bakr ( #sunnite), qui devient le premier calife. Depuis, les sunnites ont toujours été majoritaires. Ils représentent aujourd’hui environ 85 % des musulmans du monde. Les seuls pays à majorité #chiite sont l’Iran, l’Irak, l’Azerbaïdjan et Bahreïn, mais d’importantes minorités existent au Pakistan, en Inde, au Yémen, en Afghanistan, en Arabie saoudite et au Liban.



O cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration,
soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your Presence can abide.
Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of your mission.
Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire.
Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs to grow and flourish.
Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.
Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.
For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power, and fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once again.
And So It Is!

#aramaic #direct #translation #english #lordsprayer #prayer (saw it in a comment on https://rumble.com/v41yd82-holy-shtits-happening-again-farmer-protests-inberlin-stay-free-269.html from https://rumble.com/user/HolyMaster here https://rumble.com/v41yd82-holy-shtits-happening-again-farmer-protests-inberlin-stay-free-269.html#comment-328931882 )


[...] Even trees understand me! Good heavens, I lie under them too, don’t I? I’m just like a pile of leaves.
However, I have never clogged myself with the praises of pastoral life, nor with nostalgia for an innocent past of perverted acts in pastures. No. One need never leave the confines of New York to get all the greenery one wishes—I can’t even enjoy a blade of grass unless I know there’s a subway handy, or a record store or some other sign that people do not altogether regret life. [...]

Frank O'Hara, "Meditations in an Emergency"

[...] Persino gli alberi mi capiscono! Santo cielo, mi sdraio sotto di loro, no? Sono proprio come un mucchio di foglie.
Comunque, non mi sono mai impantanato negli elogi della vita pastorale, tantomeno nella nostalgia di un innocente tempo andato fatto di atti perversi nei pascoli. No. Uno non ha bisogno di uscire dai confini di New York per avere tutto il verde che desidera - Non riesco a godermi neanche un filo d’erba se non so che c’è una metropolitana a portata di mano, o un negozio di dischi o qualche altro segno che la gente non rimpiange del tutto la vita.

#poetry #poem #ohara #translation #Italian #English #PastoralLife