#Israel #judah #jesus
Star of David
Jesus was a Jew. His mother Mary was a descendant on her father's side from the royal Tribe of Judah, and on her mother's from the priestly Tribe of Levi. Joseph, the husband of Mary, was a Jew from the priestly Tribe of Levi.

Judah and The House of David
St. Matthew makes clear in recounting Jesus' genealogy that he was of the Tribe of Judah. (Matt. 1:1-6; 16-18).
Matthew's genealogy of Jesus Christ traces His lineage through King David of Israel, Judah, and Abraham (Matthew 1:1–3)
Luke: Jesus is a member of the Tribe of Judah according to his maternal bloodline. (Luke 3:31-34).
- Joseph and Mary had four sons and two daughters together. They are the half brothers and sisters of Jesus.
- "Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us?"
(Matthew 13.54-56). Matthew 1.25 also implies the married couple assumed a normal relationship following the birth of Jesus: "but [Joseph] knew her not until she had borne a son; and he called his name Jesus."

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