[2022-08- 5 13:48:10] * sublim20 alerts the woke police on phryk
[2022-08- 5 13:55:08] * Digit remembers when being awake was shorthand for having become aware of the grand corporate political nepotistic revolving-door rigged-game crookedness, before those crooks orwellianised it, spun it, not only to redirect attention away from themselves to protect themselves, but to get those who would turn on them, to turn on each other instead, and so now wonders what to call being aware of this... "awake woke awakening"?

#awake #orwellian #woke #awakening
#advertisingormarketing #playtopeopleandseparatethem #ego #identity #divideandconquer
#aware #falsedichotomy #falseawakening #notevenawakening #moretobeawareof #questionmore
#alliknowisiknownothing #falsedawn #polydawn #learning #unlearning #alwaysmore #think #OBEY
#satire #platoscave #matryoshkamatrix #igetit #orwell #contortion #conflation #conversion #route1 #route2 #naivecertainty
#itsjustnaturalevolutionoflanguage #paynoattentiontothemanbehindthecurtain #conspiracytheorist #witch #heretic
#theemperorwearsnoclothes #thisisnotwhatawakelookslike #inaseaofmisinformationeverybodysashill
#wokepolice #thoughtpolice #thisisnotwhatfreedomlookslike #thisisnotwhatsocialjusticelookslike #youhavetolookwithbettereyesthanthat #theeyesoffear #theeyesoflove #bringalamp

ps, is woke a sort of past tense of awake, so it's asleep again? ;]
canny you dont get riled into obliviously weaponising your loving compassion, against your good intentions. :)

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