

#orwell #histoire #livre

La Ferme des animaux : Cette satirique de la révolution russe critique le totalitarisme politique. Les animaux qui prennent le contrôle de la ferme finissent par reproduire les mêmes abus de pouvoir que les humains qu'ils ont renversés.


Stop the UK Government from spying on all of our bank accounts


The Government is sneaking in new powers to spy on all of our bank accounts on the premise of dealing with welfare fraud and error.

It will force banks to flag people who meet secret criteria to the government.

Everyone wants fraudulent uses of public money to be dealt with, and the government already has strong powers to check the bank statements of suspects.

But this is a major expansion of government power that takes away our financial privacy like never before and does away with the presumption of innocence - the democratic principle that you shouldn't be spied on unless police suspect you of wrongdoing.


#ToryFascists #dictatorship #ToryScum #privacy #DemocracyNow #ToriesOut #banking #money #financial #DystopianBritain #UK #fascism #ToryDictatorship #Orwellian #Orwell


#AI and Mass #Spying

source: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/12/ai-and-mass-spying.html

All the #data will be saved. It will all be searchable, and understandable, in bulk. Tell me who has talked about a particular topic in the past month, and how #discussions about that topic have evolved. Person A did something; check if someone told them to do it. Find everyone who is plotting a #crime, or spreading a rumor, or planning to attend a political #protest.

#surveillance #spy #politics #police #cyberwar #NSA #palantir #china #bigbrother #1984 #orwell #danger #warning #news #problem #economy #internet #technology #humanrights #freedom #military #justice


#CaitlinJohnstone #Orwell #propaganda #genocide #Gaza



#Conférence : La #Presse au 21ème Siècle | #IdrissAberkane


Cette conférence a été donnée à #Montréal la deuxième semaine d'Octobre 2023. A l'heure où la #censure a atteint en #Occident des sommets dignes d' #Orwell et d' #Huxley avec notamment l'abominable #Newsguard à laquelle participe #JimmyWales, le cofondateur de #Wikipedia, et que cette chaîne a à nouveau subi des brutalités de presse diverses et variées (notre #analyse du conflit a été interdite de visualisation en #France, purement et simplement) il était nécessaire d'offrir une analyse philosophique de l'évolution de la presse dans notre siècle, autour de la légendaire et ô combien exacte citation posthume de Nietzsche : "encore cent ans de #journalisme et tous les mots pueront"

#conference #aberkane #politique #idrissaberkane #presse


Five things you need to know about the UK's Online 'Safety' Bill

  1. Social media platforms have formally become judge and jury over our speech
  2. Silicon Valley’s speech codes will get state-backing, even if they are absurd
  3. The internet will become age-gated
  4. Ofcom will not be completely independent
  5. Your personal device may become a tool of state surveillance

More at:

#Orwell #Dystopian #UnitedKingdom #ToryDictatorship #authoritarian #OrwellWasRight #privacy #security #surveillance #BigBrother



Source: https://www.grocerygazette.co.uk/2023/09/11/shoplifting-surge-police/

The biggest retailers in the #UK, including #Co-op, #Tesco and #Sainsbury’s, have agreed to implement new face-scanning #technology, which looks to help the #police crack down on #shoplifting.


According to The Times, #Pegasus is set to receive £600,000 from ten supermarkets including #JohnLewis, Co-op, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, #Waitrose and Next.

The supermarkets pay for the surveillance so that the police can do its job? That sounds more like #cyberpunk than #1984.

#Orwell #cctv #bigbrother #surveillance #video #news #crime #security #politics