"Year in Search 2023".

From Google. For "TV Shows", I didn't recognize any of them in the top 5. Expand to the top 10, and... I still don't recognize any of them.

What can we conclude from this? I'm out of it.

For "People", only 1 of the top 5, 2 of top 10. For actors, I didn't recognize any out of the top 5. 1 out of the top 10. For video games, I recognized 1 out of the top 5, 2 out of the top 10. For "Athletes", none of top 10. Even for "Musicians", only 1 of the top 5, 2 out of the top 10.

It's so funny, I work so hard to try to figure out what's going on, yet I'm totally out of it.

Year in Search 2023

#futurology #popculture