I am going to teach some colleagues to use shell. Starting with ls,cd, mkdir et al to navigate, and creating files and directories. Then some more advanced tools like grep and find, as well as a bit of sed and awk. Ending with advanced shell script. I will teach using bash, as it is default in many systems today, but thought I would mention some others and how they differ.

The idea now is to have five sessions of two hours each. I will try to make a proper outline this weekend. This is about what I have today

  • Session 1: Navigating in Shell, Unix file system, creating files, pipes (|, < and > and perhaps 2>&1 et al)
  • Session 2: grep, find, sed, tr
  • Session 3: aliases and .bashrc
  • Session 4: scripts
  • Session 5: more scripts?

Do you have any suggestion of what I should mention? Do you think this outline looks all right?

#bash #sed #awk #gnu #linux #unix #terminal

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