

One of the many good aspects of gnu/linux is the huge choice of window managers (wm’s).
Live, maintained or not, they usually work and, with the obvious exceptions of gnome 3+ and kde, are not a great overhead to the system.
Below is a small random choice of wms and screen shots - to awaken, not satisfy, appetites.
I use slackware, a no-bloat distro, but even that comes with fluxbox, fvwm2, kde, mwm, twm, wmaker and xfce (default) installed.
Twm is the old and venerable wm - there are some yt vidoes about it - I like it, but I use tiling wms such as ratpoison and dwm.
You can have more than one wm running at a time - you just point each to different display numbers (0 is default)
Everything is easier if one starts the wm manually from runlevel 3 instead of having it done automatically - yet another example of how automation cripples us and makes us ignorant.

GNOME 2 - Wikipedia
GNOME 1 - Wikipedia
Sawfish (window manager) - Wikipedia
StumpWM - Wikipedia
GitHub - michaelforney/velox: velox window manager
subtle - Overview - Subforge
GitHub - jcs/sdorfehs: A tiling window manager
ratpoison: Say good-bye to the rodent
Notion - Free Tiling Tabbed Window Manager
i3 - improved tiling wm
Enlightenment Main
about - awesome window manager
AfterStep - Welcome to the Official AfterStep website
GitHub - sunaku/wmii: My fork of the WMII window manager.
GitHub - 0intro/wmii: A small, scriptable window manager, with a 9P filesystem interface and an acme-like layout.
GitHub - xorg62/wmfs: Window Manager From Scratch, Minimal manual tiling window manager.
Window Maker: Home
vtwm | home
GitHub - conformal/spectrwm: A small dynamic tiling window manager for X11.
File:Dwm-screenshot.png - Wikipedia
Dwm-screenshot.png (PNG Image, 1280 × 800 pixels)
GitHub - rennhak/scrotwm: Minimalistic Window Manager for X11
pekwm: X window manager back from the past
mcwm — a minimalist window manager
LeftWM - A tiling window manager for Adventurers
jwm-2.2.png (PNG Image, 1600 × 1200 pixels)
screenshots | The IceWM Screenshots Collection
irc-layout-tab.png (PNG Image, 1440 × 900 pixels)
screenshot-full.gif (GIF Image, 1024 × 768 pixels)
FVWM-Crystal: screenshots
evilwm - a minimalist window manager for the X Window System
EMWM - Enhanced Motif Window Manager
SlackBuilds.org - cwm-openbsd
cwm - ArchWiki
cwm (window manager) - Wikipedia
GitHub - scott-parker/cwm-openbsd: Portable version of the OpenBSD cwm window manager.
CTWM — Home
CTWM — Themes
SlackBuilds.org - amiwm
amiwm desktop gallery

#gnu #linux #unix #bsd #wm #windowmanagers #Xorg


History of Tcl (tcl.tk)

"The Tcl scripting language grew out of my work on design tools for integrated circuits at the University of California at Berkeley in the early 1980's. My students and I had written several interactive tools for IC design, such as Magic and Crystal. Each tool needed to have a command language (in those days people tended to invoke tools by typing commands; graphical user interfaces weren't yet in widespread use). However, our primary interest was in the tools, not their command languages. Thus we didn't invest much effort in the command languages and the languages ended up being weak and quirky. Furthermore, the language for one tool couldn't be carried over to the next, so each tool ended up with a different bad command language. After a while this became rather embarrassing.

In the fall of 1987, while on sabbatical at DEC's Western Research Laboratory, I got the idea of building an embeddable command language. The idea was to spend extra effort to create a good interpreted language, and furthermore to build it as a library package that could be reused in many different applications. The language interpreter would provide a set of relatively generic facilities, such as variables, control structures, and procedures. Each application that used the language would add its own features into the language as extensions, so that the language could be used to control the application. The name Tcl (Tool Command Language) derived from this intended usage."


#opensource #programming #gui #unix #linux


Heute drei Stellenanzeigen in der #taz , die vielleicht für den einen oder die andere interessant sind:
...nicht nur #KommInsFediverseTaz , sondern auch: #KommInDieTazFediverse ! 🐾
#Jobs #Linux #Unix #PHP #Mediengestaltung

Anzeigen in der Printausgabe, Texte unter https://taz.de/Info/Stellen/!p4236/

"taz EDV-Abteilung sucht eine:n - :GNU/Linux/Unix-Administrator:in
Wir suchen zeitnah eine:n Kolleg:in mit praktischer Berufserfahrung in der Administration von Debian-Linux-Systemen."

"Die taz-Produktionsabteilung sucht eine*n :Mediengestalter*in
Die taz-Produktionsabteilung sucht zum 01.10.2023 eine*n Mediengestalter*in in Vollzeit (befristet)."

"taz EDV-Abteilung sucht eine:n :Entwickler:in PHP und Datenbanken
Die EDV-Abteilung der taz sucht ab sofort eine:n Backendentwickler:in für PHP und Datenbanken."

Screenshot: Auschnitt aus https://taz.de/Info/Stellen/!p4236/ "Wir sind anders. Sind Sie es auch? Freie Stellen in der taz"

@taz @taz @taz (inoffiziell)


Linux like original Unix

This is far more interesting than I thought.

It is 50 years ago that Unix as we know it came out (i.e. not the very first one).
So the Freedos channel tried to work as one would have worked 50 years ago.
After showing the man pages and commands from the various versions of unix, the vid get interesting.

Using a vt100 or 200 emulator, he uses the ed line editor to write a fortran60 program and documentation in nroff, a mark up language.

I like using ed because it keeps you quite focussed - as you'll see you're usually only working within the scope of a paragraph, but you can still make global changes - it is really as easy as he shows.

Ed is the predecessor of vi, vim etc.

On my system I have only the problem of using the left arrow key and rolling back and forwards with the up and down arrow keys. This is fixed by calling ed with rlwrap thus:

rlwrap ed filename

What interested me was nroff - it's the markup with which man pages are written, and as you can see in the video, is used for any documentation/publishing.

This old paper is easy to read, it explains nroff (also vi etc.):
Word Processing Made Easy Using UNIX [PDF}(https://archive.org/download/395768306-word-processing-using-unix/395768306-Word-Processing-Using-UNIX.pdf)

A reference book:
Unix Text Processing PDF

#unix #gnu #linux #ntroff #ed #vi #wordprocessing #1973