#Vaccine #Crimes
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'β€œIt is not alive but it is self assembling and it is leaching metals from your blood to build itself.” β€” Dr. Jane Ruby'

"EVERY DAY more and more new insights coming from so many independent sources all point to the same conclusion and yet the deafening silence of mainstream media is harrowing!

I reckon that certain A.I. who digest & analyses all credible sources that are deliberately not reported not investigated by mainstream media is enormous ... How long before it is super obvious that mainstream media is 100% complicit in a huge criminal cover up of one of the biggest scam that humanity has been confronted with that has huge consequences for millions.

MSM is not only complicit in a criminal cover up they are also guilty of framing (demonizing/falsely accusing) real independent journalism asking the right critical question they refuse to ask!

MSM and their so called "fact checkers" helping big tech to automatically using A.I to: censor, de-platform, shadow ban, comment ghosting, bury, de-list in search engines, exclude from recommended news-feeds etc. etc. who are labeled (falsely) as "fake news" or (falsely) accused of spreading "harmful information" meanwhile real harm on a massive scale is covered up by them ... and anyone exposing exactly that are silenced ... A truly Orwellian Nightmare.

How much of this Project Avalon Forum Thread called: "Vaccine Injuries On Record" are true credible sources that are not reported by mainstream media? ... Let's say one third or a quarter are really credible sources worthy of deeper investigation ... that alone is huge! ... Sure we also have highly controversial claims coming from controversial websites but what most mainstream skeptics "forget" to mention is that those controversial websites quote mainstream sources like the CDC that mainstream media will not discuss nor analyses! >>> including newly declassified FOIA documents of Pfizer, Moderna, CDC etc. showing how much they lied to us! ... All ignored by mainstream media ... Why?

John Kuhles aka 'ExomatrixTV'
August 20, 2022

#vaccinescam by the satanic #deathcult