Excited! New https://element.io website and new simpler pricing plans for enterprises. Open source encrypted communications with no vendor lock-in for the win!

Yes, really, when you use your own domain, you can take your data and go to another hosting company and your users wont notice a thing. Of course, we at Element Matrix Services will do everything to make it worth staying ;)

Also all our bridge offerings (#Telegram, #Signal, #WhatsApp, #Teams, #Discord, #Slack, #IRC) are now billed per remote active user instead of a flat fee. This means no more restrictions on how many rooms or users one can bridge - you only pay for what you bridge!

New pricing plans blog post: https://element.io/blog/simpler-plans-for-element-on-premise-and-cloud/

Ps. We're also hiring across the board! Come join a great growing company, feel free to ping with questions!

#element #matrix