

Modder made an IRC client that runs entirely inside the motherboard’s BIOS chip

Shows a typical IRC channel welcome text message, followed by commands such as VERSION and a command to <a class=#join edk2. User has then posted a private message in that channel saying "Hello from UEFI!". There is a single reply shown saying "what?".">
Phillip Tennen, developer of the open-source axleOS, has recently decided to use what he learned from that project to create an IRC client that runs entirely within the UEFI pre-boot environment, with no operating system required. This “UEFIRC” is nearly fully functional, with a graphical interface and a TrueType font renderer, and it’s all written in the Rust programming language.

Wow! It does suggest two things to me:

  1. IRC is really the lightest weight social chatting app of them all…
  2. IRC users are a bit different…

Technically I suppose any text based micro-blogging type service could work. Twitter or Mastodon without videos and photos may also work. But the nature of how IRC still works today, means you can get a pretty close experience to the real thing even in the BIOS.

See https://www.tomshardware.com/software/someone-made-a-functioning-irc-client-that-runs-entirely-inside-the-motherboards-uefi
#Blog, #BIOS, #IRC, #technology


ZigzagDownLoader logo di ZDL

DCC ...reverse!

Some XDCC BOTs shield server ports using "reverse DCC". In particular, https://xdcc.eu provides countless links to files in all languages ​​of the world via the host server irc.scenep2p.net, which uses "reverse dcc".
Unfortunately, there are few programs capable of downloading files through this type of protocol. For example, #weechat is not capable of performing this type of download.

From now, ZigzagDownLoader can download via reverse DCC!

#zdl #bash #linux #cygwin #downloader #axel #wget #aria2 #gnu #free #freesoftware #softwarelibero #zigzag #zigzagdownloader #condividetevelo #sharing #streaming #hosting #filehosting #xdcc #dcc #irc #automazione #dccreverse #reversedcc



This is just a random post for everyone in the fediverse still on a proprietary operating system and wants to try something new.
My choice is Ubuntu but of course there are a lot of other Linux distributions out there.

Wanna give it a try but maybe are a little scared to do the switch?
Or just looking for a place to discuss? Join us on Matrix and/or IRC!

Matrix (+ IRC bridge): https://matrix.to/#/#ubuntu-space:xentonix.net
IRC only: https://webchat.freenode.net/?channel=#ubuntu

#ubuntu #linux #opensource #matrix #irc


Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #anime, #fantasy, #retro, and #scifi - especially i love old computer music from #Amiga and #C64 or #Atari :)

41 years old and from Austria, not the most active poster anymore as the Internet today is not really a nice place anymore but i still try to be still active a bit on Fediverse sites and on #IRC

If someone wants to follow, feel free to do, new friends are very much welcome :)