Ah, another trick...

China claims South China Sea deal with Philippines' Duterte - Nikkei Asia https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/South-China-Sea/China-claims-South-China-Sea-deal-with-Philippines-Duterte

BEIJING/MANILA -- China and the Philippines entered a "gentleman's agreement" to avoid conflict in the South China Sea under former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines said Thursday, in a revelation that could be aimed at rattling the current administration in Manila.

Under the agreement, which isn't recognized by Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., Manila apparently promised not to repair or build structures at Second Thomas Shoal in the disputed Spratly Islands, which the Philippines effectively controls.

In return, Beijing agreed not to interfere with deliveries of food and other supplies to a Philippine warship there.

Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but the way I see it, the PRC interferes heavily with any food delivery. Not keeping your end of the "agreement", but demanding others to do it?

In a statement on Thursday, the Chinese Embassy acknowledged that the deal was made during the Duterte administration. Referring to the pact as a "gentlemen's agreement," the embassy said it was "no secret" and was aimed at "managing the situation on the ground, maintaining peace and preventing conflicts."

Seriously? An "oral agreement ", that you claim is no secret, but that you don't adhere to? And you demand others not to break it? Have anything in writing? You know, the Philippines has something in writing, an ICJ decision saying you're occupying their territory...


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