"The openVertebrate project, oVert for short, is a new initiative to provide free, digital 3D vertebrate anatomy models and data to researchers, educators, students and the public."

"Over the next four years, the oVert team will CT scan 20,000 fluid-preserved specimens from US museum collections, producing high-resolution anatomical data for more than 80 percent of vertebrate genera."

"CT scanning is a nondestructive technology that reveals a specimen inside and out -- its skeleton, muscles, circulatory and nervous systems, internal organs, parasites, eggs and stomach contents."

"A selection of specimens will also be scanned with contrast-enhancing stains to characterize soft tissues."

"These digital images and 3D mesh files will be open for exploration, download and 3D printing on MorphoSource, an open-access online database."

This actually happened a year ago but I'm only finding out about it just now. Check out the images; they are pretty impressive.

oVert openVertebrate Project


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