AI predictions from Angela Collier. The link should take you to 45:03 in the video where she makes her predictions. If not, skip to 45:03. Or, if you want, you can rewind it and hear the whole rant. Basically she says AI isn't what it's cracked up to be -- basically true artificial intelligence doesn't exist but people are going to wind up in all kinds of trouble from deploying "AI" that doesn't really work.

Lawyers will use ChatGPT to write legal briefs -- oh, that already happened. Therapy robots will be introduced so you can fire all your therapists -- oh, that already happened. A professor will give students all "F"s for using ChatGPT when they actually didn't -- oh, that already happened. On to some stuff that hasn't happened yet. A big company is going to fire everybody and replace them with AI and fail and have to be bailed out by the government. People will die from AI medical advice and somebody will get sued. Some medical office will get sued for replacing people with AI and someone who needs medical care will be denied. A school district will get sued for firing their guidance counselor and replacing them with AI. Every single consumer product will have "AI". AI will prevent someone from getting a bank account, and she'll call her senator, and nobody will be able to do anything until a Netflix documentary is made. A company will invent an AI tool to talk to AI tools until it is able to reach an actual person for you.

AI does not exist but it will ruin everything anyway - acollierastro

#solidstatelife #ai #futurology


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