Before #GöbekliTepe | #BoncukluTarla | Exclusive Site Exploration & Museum Visit | #Megalithomania

On the upper reaches of the Tigris river in Turkey are several archaeological sites that predate Göbekli Tepe including one that could be up to 13,000 years old. This is Boncuklu Tarla (Beaded Field), where excavations have revealed 30 residential houses, 6 public structures and the skeletons of 130 individuals. More than 100,000 beads, and shaped raw copper have been unearthed (also found at nearby Gre Filla Höyük). Much of this is on display at Mardin Museum which is investigated in this video. The square enclosures at the site are up to 30 feet wide and contain standing stones about 5 feet tall, some of the earliest megaliths on the planet. Notably, one enclosure has a holed stone in its wall, just like we find at #KarahanTepe and Göbekli Tepe. Could this be evidence of very early astronomical observations? Boncuklu Tarla, like many of the earliest sites in Turkey, was buried beneath a mound with finds dating from nearly 13,000 to 9,000 years old (Epipaleolithic period through to the Late pre-pottery Neolithic B).

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