#USSR #soviet #communism
I'm really enjoying the youtube channel the ushanka show, along with NFRKZ. Between the two of them, so many lies about the soviet union from conservatives to tankies have been debunked for me.
Conservatives: in the soviet union, no one was handed everything. Things were mostly not free but heavily subsidized. People were for the most part all paid the same which lead to some serious issues, but everyone could get a job. There was rationings and bread lines but mostly during the war just like we had in the US. Housing was super cheap but tiny by comparison to the US, but it had electricity and running water, something most never had just decades earlier.
Tankies: It wasn't a workers paradise. You had to pay for pretty much everything including education and childcare, though heavily subsidized. Lenin essentially killed all the power of unions to have any power or the ability to strike claiming that since the workers party ruled the government, they had no need of unions. You had a workers counsel that you could vote on, but you only vote for who the government told you to vote for, via double representative democracy. 72% of people were involved in some way in the black market, you picked your work based on what you could steal or sell. #USSR