

Happy birthday, Valeri Kamensky


Happy birthday, Valeri Kamensky 🇷🇺#13 !!!

🏔 🎉 🎂 ⚜

Сегодня, 18-го апреля свой день рождения празднует легендарный советский и российский форвард франшизы «Квебек»/«Колорадо» -- Валерий Каменский!

Каменский появился в «Квебеке» в 25-летнем возрасте и постепенно стал одним из главных действующих лиц атаки «Нордикс». Отыграв за «северян» четыре сезона, он вместе с клубом переехал в Денвер, и исторический сезон-1995/96 стал для него звёздным часом. Действуя на левом краю в тройке с Петером Форсбергом и Клодом Лемье, Каменский набрал 85 (38+47) очков в 81 матче регулярного чемпионата и стал вторым после Джо Сакика бомбардиром команды в победном плей-офф (10 голов, 12 передач в 22 матчах).

«Это были замечательные 8 лет в отличной команде. Я выиграл Кубок Стэнли, я играл вместе с великими хоккеистами», -- вспоминал позже Валерий, который стал автором первой исторической шайбы «Колорадо» после переезда в Денвер.

Выдающемуся нападающему, олимпийскому чемпиону (1988) и трехкратному чемпиону мира (1986, 1989, 1990) в составе сборной СССР, обладателю Кубка Стэнли-1996 в составе «Колорадо Эвеланш» и члену Тройного золотого клуба, -- исполнилось 58 лет👏🏻!

Искренние пожелания Вам крепкого здоровья, удачи, благополучия и семейного счастья. Огромное спасибо за те полных 8 сезонов проведших в системе франшизы «Квебек⚜/Колорадо🏔»

🏆Основные спортивные достижения Каменского:

Каменский -- один из семи российских хоккеистов, которым удалось завоевать олимпийское золото, золото чемпионата мира и Кубок Стэнли, и войти в так называемый «Тройной золотой клуб». Причём после победы в Кубке Стэнли-1996 (в составе «Колорадо Эвеланш») Каменский вместе с Алексеем Гусаровым стал первым россиянином и первым не шведом, кто вошёл в этот клуб.

-- Олимпийский чемпион 1988

-- Вице-чемпион Олимпийских Игр (2-ое место) 1998

-- 3-кратный чемпион мира (1986, 1989, 1990)

-- Вице-чемпион мира (2-ое место) 1987

-- 4-кратный чемпион Европы (1986, 1987, 1989, 1991)

-- Победитель МЧМ 1986 года

-- Победитель Игр доброй воли 1990

-- Финалист Кубка Канады 1987

-- 4-кратный чемпион СССР (1986-89)

-- Обладатель Кубка СССР 1988

-- Обладатель Кубка Стэнли 1996

-- Участник матча «Всех Звёзд» НХЛ 1998.

-- Лучший хоккеист СССР и лучший нападающий чемпионата мира 1991

-- с 10 июня 1996 года -- член Тройного золотого клуба.

-- Обладатель приза Лучшему играющему ветерану-наставнику 2005

В регулярных чемпионатах НХЛ провёл 637 матчей и набрал 501 очко (200 шайб + 301 передача). В играх плей-офф сыграл 66 матчей и набрал 60 очков (25 шайб + 35 передач).

#ValeriKamensky #Russia #USSR #ColoradoAvalanche #QuebecNordiques #NHL #Hockey

Video: The Legends: Valeri Kamensky 🇷🇺#13

Video: The Legends: Valeri Kamensky 🇷🇺#13

#lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #nhl #coloradoavalanche #vk_colorado_avalanche


January 27, 1944

80 years ago, on January 27, 1944, #Leningrad was completely liberated from the Nazi blockade. The almost 900-day siege of the city on the Neva River was a time of the heaviest trials, unparalleled courage and fortitude.

Today we honor the heroes who defended the city and fought for the freedom of the Fatherland. We congratulate veterans, residents of the Siege of Leningrad, distinguished colleagues and all Petersburgers on our memorable day.

Happy holiday and Victory to all!

#soviet #russian #history #WWII #WW2 #USSR

Image/photoMichael [Кошак] Skolsky (R1BLH) wrote the following post Sat, 27 Jan 2024 12:13:07 +0100

С праздником!

Из чата команды мемориальной радиостанции R900BL (Радио 900 Блокадный Ленинград).


80 лет назад, 27 января 1944 года, Ленинград был полностью освобождён от фашисткой блокады. Почти 900-дневная осада города на Неве стала временем тяжелейших испытаний, беспримерного мужества и силы духа.

Сегодня мы чествуем героев, которые защищали город и сражались за свободу Отечества. Поздравляем ветеранов, жителей блокадного Ленинграда, уважаемых коллег и всех петербуржцев с нашим памятным днём.

Всех с праздником и Победой, 73!


Фото с РИ "Блок Ада" -- игры-мемориала по мотивам "Блокадной Книги". Голос ленинградского радио.


Today is the Centennial Celebration of Lenin's Death (Russian Tsar, not John)


Alexander Garden, Moscow
Photo by Fenichel - Alexander Garden, Red Square, Moscow


Inspired by hearing this from someone recently emigrated from Russia, noting this day being historical, and sharing a post applauding (Murdoch's) _Wall Street Journal_f or mentioning it, but adding that it missed a bit of history, and/or geography,

David Satter posted on January 19. So where did the irreparable happen? Everyone knows - in Gorky (Leninsky). But David Satter demonstrates false erudition - he clarifies: "The first leader of the Soviet Union died on Jan. 21, 1924, in Gorki, Russia (now called Nizhny Novgorod), after repeated strokes."

Lenin's Tomb
Photo by Fenichel - Lenin's Tomb / Mausoleum

So, in the spirit of the day, and a nod to #history... and to the one who made it possible for me to take a few relevant photos.

Спасибо / Thank you. I was lucky to have a chance to see Moscow in pleasant times, Sochi Olympics, good times. (2014!) 10 yrs.

The title link leads to my Lenin page of #photography .

But for anyone who "comes here for the music", OK, here goes, in sync with today, but from the other Lennon, John.

Back in the USSR 🎶

I do hope the good people I celebrated with then, but who are suffering now, do find sunshine again, soon.

#myphoto #Russia #Moscow #Lenin #historical #truth #Leninsky #Gorky #Centennial #tzar #Russian #Beatles #music #musica #musique #musik #USSR 21January2024


I give my first impressions of him exactly as I entered them in my diary at the time: #trotsky #lenin #ussr #uk #germany #canada #halifax #lockhart #kerensky #ww1 #russianrevolution #brest #brest-litovsk #history ">

" February 15th, 1918. Had a two hours’ conversation with L.D.T. (Lev Davidovitch Trotsky).

He struck me as perfectly honest and sincere in his bitterness against the Germans.

He has a wonderfully quick mind and a rich, deep voice. With his broad chest, his huge forehead, surmounted by great masses of black, waving hair, his strong, fierce eyes, and his heavy protruding lips, he is the very incarnation of the revolutionary of the bourgeois caricatures.

He is neat about his dress. He wore a clean soft collar and his nails were carefully manicured.

I agree with Robins. If the Bosche bought Trotsky, he bought a lemon. His dignity has suffered an affront. He is full of belligerent fury against the Germans for the humiliation to which they have exposed him at Brest.

He strikes me as a man who would willingly die fighting for Russia provided there was a big enough audience to see him do it.”

Trotsky was angry with the Germans. At that moment he was not quite certain what the German reaction would be tohis famous declaration of “no peace and no war,” but he had a shrewd idea that it would be unpleasant.

Unfortunately, he was also full of bitterness against the English.

We had not handled Trotsky wisely.

At the time of the first revolution he was in exile in America.

He was then neither a Menshevik nor a Bolshevik.

He was what Lenin called a Trotskist — that is to say, an individualist and an

A revolutionary with the temperament of an artist and with undoubted physical courage, he had never been and never could be a good party man.

His conduct prior to the first revolution had incurred the severest condemnation by Lenin.
“Trotsky, as always,” wrote Lenin in 1915, “is, in principle, opposed to the Socialist Chauvinists, but in practice he is always in agreement with them.”

In the spring of 1917 Kerensky requested the British Government to facilitate Trotsky's return to Russia. Common sense seemed to indicate one of two courses: to refuse, on the grounds that Trotsky was a danger to the Allied cause; or to allow him to return unmolested.

As usual in our attitude towards Russia, we adopted disastrous half-measures. Trotsky was treated as a criminal. At Halifax, Nova Scotia, he was separated from his wife and children and interned in a prison camp at Amherst with German prisoners for four weeks.

His finger-prints were taken. Then, having roused his bitter hate, we allowed him to return to Russia.

I am giving Trotsky's own account of the incident. I learnt afterwards that it was substantially correct.

The outraged Trotsky came back to Russia, threw in his lot with the Bolsheviks, and relieved his injured feelings by writing a fiercely anti-British pamphlet entitled
“A Prisoner of the English.” Some trace of his resentment showed itself during our interview* I succeeded, however, in soothing him.

Memoirs Of A British Agent (1933)
by R. H. Bruce Lockhart


#ussr #housing #environment #parks #fields #gardens #trees #woods #urban #urbanisation #homeownership ">public housing


Telling the truth while writing it in a way that hides the real criminals.

This is what really happened

Ukrainian nationalists massacred about 4,000 Jews in early July 1941. Another pogrom, known as the Petliura Days, was organized in late July. This pogrom View This Term in the Glossary was named for Simon Petliura, who had organized anti-Jewish pogroms in the Ukraine after World War I. For three days, Ukrainian militants went on a rampage through the Jewish districts of Lvov. They took groups of Jews to the Jewish cemetery and to Lunecki prison and shot them. More than 2,000 Jews were murdered and thousands more were injured.

#History #Holocsust #Lviv #Ukraine #USSR #Politics



С днем рождения легендарная "лавина"


С днем рождения легендарная "лавина" — Алексей Гусаров 🇷🇺#5 !

🏔 🎉 🎂 ⚜

Сегодня, 8-го июля свой день рождения празднует советский и российский защитник «Квебек Нордикс» и «Колорадо Эвеланш» — Алексей Васильевич Гусаров! 🎊

Выдающемуся защитнику, олимпийскому чемпиону-1988 и трехкратному чемпиону мира-1986, 1989 и 1990 годов в составе сборной СССР, серебряному призёру Олимпийских игр-1998 года в составе сборной России, обладателю Кубка Стэнли-1996 в составе «Колорадо Эвеланш» и члену Тройного золотого клуба, а ныне скауту в системе "лавин" — исполняется 59 лет! 👏🏻

Искренние пожелания Вам крепкого здоровья, удачи, благополучия, семейного счастья и успехов во всех начинаниях! Огромное спасибо за те полных 10 сезонов проведших в системе франшизы «Квебек/Колорадо»

#AlexeiGusarov #USSR #Russia #ColoradoAvalanche #QuebecNordiques #NHL #Hockey

Article: ГУСАРСКАЯ БАЛЛАДА. БЕСПОЩАДНЫЙ НА ЛЬДУ, НО СКРОМНЫЙ ПО ЖИЗНИ. (Колорадо Эвеланш | Colorado Avalanche)

#alexeigusarov #ussr #russia #coloradoavalanche #quebecnordiques #nhl #hockey #lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #vk_colorado_avalanche


#USSR #soviet #communism
I'm really enjoying the youtube channel the ushanka show, along with NFRKZ. Between the two of them, so many lies about the soviet union from conservatives to tankies have been debunked for me.
Conservatives: in the soviet union, no one was handed everything. Things were mostly not free but heavily subsidized. People were for the most part all paid the same which lead to some serious issues, but everyone could get a job. There was rationings and bread lines but mostly during the war just like we had in the US. Housing was super cheap but tiny by comparison to the US, but it had electricity and running water, something most never had just decades earlier.
Tankies: It wasn't a workers paradise. You had to pay for pretty much everything including education and childcare, though heavily subsidized. Lenin essentially killed all the power of unions to have any power or the ability to strike claiming that since the workers party ruled the government, they had no need of unions. You had a workers counsel that you could vote on, but you only vote for who the government told you to vote for, via double representative democracy. 72% of people were involved in some way in the black market, you picked your work based on what you could steal or sell. #USSR