Boosting this to make a point of disagreeing that anti-vaxxers are any kind of "return to nature" anything and is NOT to be confused with #Landback re-wilding. Never ever ever never.

Harold Jarche - 2024-12-20 01:01:43 GMT

Sadly I was correct in 2019 — The digital information ecosystem extends emotion through manufactured media spectacles. Traditional journalism is obsolesced by the nature of its assumption of a neutral point of view. Return to nature movements — such as anti-vaxxers — retrieve the pastoral impulse for an imaginary kinder society. We're left in a state of constant doubt as conspiratorial content is easier to access than solid scientific…

#democracy #media
Agnotology: the strategic & purposeful production of ignorance<br>-danah boyd</p><p>McLuhan's media tetrad state that:</p><p>every medium - extends a human property,<br>obsolesces the previous medium (& often makes it a luxury good), retrieves a much older medium &<br>reverses its properties when pushed to its limits</p><p>The digital information ecosystem —</p><p>EXTENDS emotion — "media spectacles"</p><p>OBSOLESCES neutral POV journalism — structural manipulation of media -"both sides"</p><p>RETRIEVES the pastoral impulse — "the undoing of scientific knowledge"</p><p>REVERSES into constant doubt — "conspiratorial content is easier to reach than scientific material"

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