Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 28º54′ sidereal Aquarius, just on the border between Aquarius and Pisces.

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#PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra is ruled by #Jupiter and the deity #Ajaekapada – often and roughly translated as the One Footed Goat, though “Ekapada” which means one-footed, or one-step, can be likened to the snake that has no legs and therefore slithered through the world leaving a single “foot-print”. Combine this with the fire element, present through Purva Bhadrapada’s symbol, the funeral pyre, and its quality of tapas, we have the “Fire Dragon”. As you can see, this Nakshatra’s deity and it’s translation is somewhat open to interpretation, but that doesn’t make it wrong or less important. On the contrary.

Purva Bhadrapada is an important Nakshatra connected to Tapas, the fire created through hard work, heat through friction and discomfort to some degree. Tapas is purification and austerity. This is a constellation of the last steps on our path of (spiritual) awakening. The work we do here, and have done up to this point, can create a foundation for future karma, just as any rewards gained under this Nakshatra is the fruit from good past karma.

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