"I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert." Video sent to me by a friend with the comment: "Ignore the clickbait headline. This guy designs and builds a system to hand write thank you cards. His machine learning travails are classic."

4.7 million views, so you might have already seen this one, but in case you haven't, here you go. I know, I'm known as the guy who posts videos of some researcher talking in monotone with 100 views or whatever, but on occasion I actually post something popular, but you might have already seen it, because, you know, popular.

Some highlights:

"What we're going to do is have my wife see if she can pick out the imposter from a lineup of genuine handwriting."

"Why is it so obviously fake?" "Every letter looks the same. Every 's' is squished up on the bottom. It's totally straight across. It just looks like a font.'"

"I'm going to sit down and write every combination of two letters." "If you're wondering if this is more work than just writing out the cards, we don't talk about that around here."

"You can't get to the moon by climbing successively taller trees. No, we need to stick the monkey in a rocket."

"Of course there's an open source repository that does exactly what I want, except written 10,000 times better. It even has a web demo. You gotta be kidding me."

"If I put this little tiny hand on the robot, I'm now technically correct when I say these are handwritten, which is the best kind of correct."

"Ron is retired so don't send him your handwriting samples. You're just going to make a bunch of work for him and make him hate me."

"I basically have my dream job building stuff of dubious utility."

I sent robot forgeries to a handwriting expert - Stuff Made Here

#solidstatelife #robotics #ai


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