Fountain of Diana

in Ortygia, the old town of Syracuse, Sicily.
Sculpted by Giulio Moschetti ca. 1906, the fountain depicts Diana (aka Artemis), goddess of the hunt, with her usual attributes - bow and quiver, and a crescent moon above her forehead. At her feet, the water nymph Arethusa, about to be transformed into a spring in order to escape the attentions of her suitor Alpheus, to Diana's right. Attentions unwanted since Arethusa had a vow of chastity to Diana.
The spring that Arethusa was transformed into is just a couple of hundred meters away, at the island's western shore just south of the marina.
As a sidenote, this is the type of content that couldn't be posted on corporate social media because OMG NUDITY!!!

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