

Cefalù in north #Sicily hides a remarkable megalithic secret. The town is surrounded by massive cyclopean walls along its northern coast. Thought to be a sea defence from the elements and from enemies, it dates to at least 900 BC, although some say it is much older. We explore segments of the gigantic wall including one of its entrances which looks like Alatri in #Italy or Tarragona in Spain. The street above the wall has an enigmatic name: 'Mura Megalitiche'. Further up the sacred hill is the #Temple of #Diana, a beautifully created structure with fine polygonal construction that we will explore in a future video. Includes exclusive aerial footage.



Sicily travel warning: Wildfires force evacuation of tourists and transport disruption

The heatwave that has been scorching southern Europe has increased the risk of fires and heat-related deaths in Italy.

Wildfires have been raging across the Italian island of #Sicily, spread by strong winds and arid conditions.

The blazes have forced residents and tourists to evacuate and caused severe public transport disruption.

#Palermo Airport, which services the island’s capital, was forced to close early on Tuesday morning after fires broke out nearby.

Catania Airport, where an accidental fire damaged a terminal building earlier this month, remains partially closed leading to fears of huge economic losses from tourism.

#Italy #Forestfire #WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment



#Climate #change: five major threats to the #Mediterranean according to the #IPCC

Source: https://newsrnd.com/tech/2023-07-20-climate-change--five-major-threats-to-the-mediterranean-according-to-the-ipcc.By-ctSAU52.html

Like parts of the United States and Asia, the Mediterranean has been hit by extreme #heat in recent weeks. The Italian islands, like #Sardinia and #Sicily, could surpass the continental record of 48.8°C. "Heat waves are increasing due to climate change in the Mediterranean and are amplified in cities due to urban planning policies," causing illness and death, the IPCC said in its 2022 report on climate change impacts and adaptation.

#Italy #europe #news #crisis #problem #future


🆘 ~400 Menschen in Seenot südlich von #Sizilien!

@alarm_phone steht in Kontakt mit einer Gruppe auf einem großen Fischtrawler. Sie sagen, dass sie nach der langen Reise erschöpft sind und ihnen Nahrung & Trinkwasser ausgegangen sind. Sie bitten dringend um Rettung!




Die neue Crew ist bereit, Leben zu retten: DIe #GeoBarents hat gestern den Hafen von #Augusta verlassen und ist wieder unterwegs in die SAR Zone im zentralen #Med.

Fair winds @MSF_Sea! ❤️

@MSF_austria @msf_de @MSF_Schweiz


#Sicily #CentralMed


Wie von den ital. Behörden angeordnet, wurden am späten Abend 100 Gerettete vor #Sizilien von der Guardia Costiera⚓️🇮🇹 an Bord genommen, um sie an Land zu bringen.
Die #GeoBarents ist jetzt unterwegs nach #Brindisi wo die anderen 339 Menschen von Bord gehen sollen.

via @MSF_Sea


#Italian #Sicily


enter image description here

FIRE AND ICE-- #COMET ZTF OVER #MOUNT #ETNA: Astrophotographer Dario Giannobile has been yearning to photograph Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3). "Animated by this desire, I took advantage of the only night with clear skies that occurred in this last ten days of January," says Giannobile. "My destination? Snowy Mt. Etna!"

Mt. Etna in eastern #Sicily is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Right now its hot vents are surrounded by deep snow--a marvelous yet challenging backdrop for comet photography.

"During the night the temperature dropped to -8°C at an altitude of 2000 meters, an exceptionally cold temperature for Sicily!" says Giannobile. "However, the landscape was breathtaking: an expanse of soft snow disturbed only by some fox and rabbit footprints. In the South East crater, some hot spots appear in the dark. They are fumaroles from which volcanic vapors come out... and in all this, the beauty of the sky with the splendid comet rising from the side of the volcano."

"The view was breathtaking, expressing, in a single image, a feeling of strength and delicacy, fire and ice."



🆘 ~500 Personen östlich von #Sizilien in Gefahr!

@alarm_phone wurde von einem großen Boot mit ~500 Menschen - darunter auch Kinder - um Hilfe gerufen. Sie sagen, dass sie treiben und schon seit 3 Tagen auf See sind. Behörden sind informiert, Rettung dringend nötig!




🆘 ~32 Menschen in Seenot südl. von #Sizilien!

Sie berichten, dass ihnen der Treibstoff ausgegangen ist! @alarm_phone alarmierte zust. Behörden in #Malta & #Italien.

Zu viele Menschen sind in den letzten Tagen gestorben.
Don't delay rescue!
@Armed_Forces_MT @guardiacostiera


#Sicily #Libya


🆘 ~450 Menschen in Seenot südöstl. von #Sizilien & #Malta!

@alarm_phone wurde von 1 Gruppe alarmiert. die auf 1 gr. Fischtrawler aus #Libyen floh. Ihnen sind Trinkwasser & Nahrung ausgegangen. Behörden wurden informiert.

Rescue is needed NOW!
@guardiacostiera @Armed_Forces_MT


#Sicily #Libya


🆘 1 Boot mit ~370 Menschen droht zu kentern!

1 gr. Boot vor #Sizilien🇮🇹 rief @alarm_phone um Hilfe. Es ist am Auseinanderbrechen und viel Wasser dringt ein. Die Behörden sind informiert und müssen sofort handeln!!

@guardiacostiera @Armed_Forces_MT @Frontex




🆘 ~50 Menschen in Gefahr!

Heute früh erhielt @alarm_phone einen Notruf von ~50 Pers., vielen geht es gesundheitl. schlecht. Seit 5 Tagen von #Benghazi🇱🇾 unterwegs sind jetzt 90sm vor #Sizilien🇮🇹. Ihr Motor ist kaputt, sie haben kein Essen und Wasser mehr.

Rescue is needed now!

