On trolls, disinformation, spam, cleanup, and blocking

I don't like telling others how to run their own feeds and posts, but I'll share how I run mine.

I block bullshit, for the principle reason that not doing so ultimately makes intelligent, pruductive, or hell, even simply fun and enjoyable discussion impossible.

That solves the problem on my own threads, but doesn't address those of others, which is why I'm asking if you'll please seriously consider doing the same.

Even if you generally don't engage or participate actively, this has impacts on those who are engaging on your posts.

If not I'll conclude, with regrets, that the problem extends further, and block not just the trolls but those who permit them. Because life is short and precious and it is simply not worth the time and frustration.

I, and most others there I believe, would appreciate tremendously if you would please do so.

#administrivia #trolls #trolling #disinformation #InformationHygiene