A dying baby, a Trump tweet: inside network setting global right-wing agenda | openDemocracy

These leaked emails are just two of thousands exchanged between Agenda Europe members that have been seen by openDemocracy and a small group of European journalists.

They reveal for the first time how US, Russian and European anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ+ activists and politicians were in constant contact, offering support on local and national campaigns. The group’s actions include campaigning on referendums that successfully prevented equal marriage rights, challenging calls to end gender-based violence, and influencing the rise of anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ+ feelings and policy-making in multiple European countries.

As the following shows, these emails illustrate the emergence of a coherent and organised counter-narrative to the liberal world-view that was, until recently, generally espoused by an increasing number of democracies around the world. Agenda Europe, and its successor, Vision Network, served as a gathering place where conservative thought in its many disparate strands came together into a coherent worldview.

This is often underestimated. These anti-democracy initiatives have a massive network. You see that also in the local far right here that have contacts to other countries etc




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