We are facing some interesting times and I honestly believe if we don't act we won't leave much of a future for our children.

The problem is what to do. If we wait until someone else acts then it's going to be klaus or the Pentagon and neither of these appeals to me.

The only way we can get an outcome that might result in a win for humanity is if we humans do something ourselves.

I'm going to bang on about this again but we live in the environment and as individuals we live in a society. We really cannot live outside a society and we certainly can't live outside our environment.

With this in mind and getting some guidance from a large rock I concluded to save the world first we need to save ourselves and to save ourselves we need a sustainable society.

This is where the 5 rules for humanity came from, which I repeat often.

5 rules.

1 Everybody has a land and that is where their home is

2 Every child born is of equal value

3 No child can be born in debt.

4The only crime is theft.

5 We can only learn from the past not change it or recreate it

If we can put these rules into our societies we can start getting somewhere.

I know it sounds like an ego trip but I don't see anyone actually trying to change everything except klaus and I don't like his ideas.

As no change is going to come from any person in the current power system I am going to go to the fringes and I'm not that concerned how fringe because if they follow these rules then they can only do good.

I will post the attempts I make as nothing is secret and the revolution will be televised because if it isn't it will be judged a violent conspiracy so everything must be open.

#propaganda #manipulation #politics #power #freedom #money

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