#Nuremberg codes #Hippocratic Oath gone #doctors #hospitals
The Doctors are Killing Americans – That is one of the basic tenants of what is called the Hippocratic Oath. It was once at the foundation of all medical care. You can find more information on the Oath here. Although the Oath may not hold legal standing in the medical field today, most of the Physicians in America are in direct violation of that Oath. In fact, the medical system is killing patients. Unfortunately, most Doctors in America are under the direct control of the American Medical Association. The Centers for Disease Control, and Medicare edicts of the Federal Government.
Doctors should know better. Big Medicine protocol is killing American citizens. Isn’t it time we asked why? Aren’t doctors subject to the Nuremberg Codes? America’s Doctors are either ignorant of the facts, or ignoring the facts. Neither excuse excuses their behavior. The Doctors’ blind compliance are killing their patients!


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