I very much enjoy Steve Schmidt's commentary on the modern GQP. Talk about telling it like it is. This is a very good thread.

Josef Stalin’s spies in the New Mexico desert had made sure the Soviet dictator was not surprised when Harry Truman, President of the United States, for just three months, told him on July 17, 1945 that a weapon of “unusual destructive force” had been successfully tested. They

2/ were together in a shattered Berlin suburb called Potsdam where they surveyed the wreckage of Adolph Hitlers thousand year Reich. Harry Truman ordered the use of that weapon on August 6th and August 9th to end the Pacific War. The Japanese Empire unconditionally surrendered

3/ aboard the USS Missouri, anchored in Tokyo Bay. General Douglas MacArthur accepted the surrender on behalf of the Allied Powers. He talked about the new age that had dawned where mankind possessed the power and weapons to extinct itself. Below is what he said (image available in link).

4/ The singularly most important achievement of International Diplomacy during the last 77 years has been the avoidance of direct conflict between American and Russian troops. Why has this been important? The answer is very simple. It is much easier to start a war than to stop

5/ one. The escalatory cycle between the worlds two greatest military powers with the capacity to extinct humanity inevitably leads to Nuclear conflagration. Ensuring the fuse was never lit is an achievement that has preserved humanity and our shared civilization. NATO has always

6/ served as a DEFENSIVE Alliance. It must not be used offensively to confront Russian Military Forces that have NOT attacked a NATO nation. Russian Barbarism against the Ukrainian people is a War Crime and the Ukrainian Nation is under siege from immoral and illegal aggression.

7/ Western commentators who talk earnestly about finding “back doors” and “off ramps” for Putin are living in the same fairy tale where NATO will strike down Russian aggression, as if it were a Marvel movie. We have entered a dangerous new age that will endure for many years.

8/ The events and tragedy in Ukraine are just beginning. The United States should be unequivocal in its support for the Ukrainian people and nation with military and humanitarian aid. The economic sanctions against Russia are brutal and toughening. The west will be closed

9/ and that will make it difficult for Putin to maintain control of his Court in the short, medium and long term. Strategically, Putin has cornered himself. He has devastated the Russian economy and sent an unprepared Army to war against a fierce nation with an exceptional leader

10/ Putin may take Kiev, for a while, but it will likely come at the price of his control of Moscow. There will be no NATO air umbrella over Ukraine. Ukrainians have been chosen by fate to example the terrible cost that must be paid for freedom to a global generation that thought

11/ this type of barbarism was extinguished in the middle of the last Century. The West must continue to strangle Putin’s regime economically, supply sophisticated weapons to Ukraine, prepare for millions of refugees, insist the Ukrainian government clearly communicate its continuity

12/ of Government plans including the establishment of a Capitol to serve as Free Ukraine and build moral support for the cause of freedom in Ukraine and all over the world. This war will not be soon settled. There is no off ramp because Ukraine will never be Putin’s.

#Ukraine #IStandWithUkraine