Danish Biologists Cultivate Morel Mushrooms Year-Round With New Indoor Technique

The black morel mushrooms are grown in a climate-controlled environment that produces 20 pounds per square yard per year.

In the world of edible mushrooms, the morel #mushroom is one of the most coveted and tasty species. In spring, the highly seasonal mushrooms are found in forests all over the Northern Hemisphere among leaf litter around dead elm, Sycamore, apple, and Ash trees. Despite their popularity, the mushrooms are difficult to cultivate indoors. While some attempts have been made, the yield and quality of the product varies.

Now, two Danish biologists Jacob and Karsten Kirk, who are also twins, have found a reliable method to cultivate hefty amounts of morels indoors in a climate-controlled environment year-round, reports Alla Katsnelson for the New York Times. The technique is the culmination of four decades of research conducted in collaboration with the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and the University of #Copenhagen, per a statement. The growing method produces 4.2 kilograms of mushrooms over a 22-week growing cycle, which is equivalent to about 10 kilograms per square meter, or 20 pounds of mushrooms per square yard, per year.

#Food #Gardening #Denmark #IndoorGarden


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