
The reason #Pelosi adventurism with the "visit" to Taiwan is so in focus--we don't know yet if she will get there--is simple. Anything, up to the escalation to the brink of the conflict with China, but to cover up these two things:

  1. The economic catastrophe unfolding in the US;

  2. The desperate attempt to turn attention away from the lost cause in 404.

The oldest trick in the book, especially with contemporary US "elites" who are good only at two things: reelecting themselves and #PR. As Bernhard of MoA quotes Cynthia Chung:
In October 2019, Jake Sullivan, who became U.S. National Security Advisor in 2021, stated in an interview that the U.S. needed a clear threat to rally the world and play the role of saviour of mankind and that China could be that organizing principle for U.S. foreign policy. In the 2019 interview, he acknowledges that the problem was that people were not going to believe that China is a global threat, that their view of China is too positive and that the United States would need a “Pearl Harbour moment,” a real focusing event to change their minds, something he calmly stated that “would scare the hell out of the American people.”

Let us see, at present the business in Taiwan is as usual.

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