

Ich suche einen #Song

… aus dem Jahr #1946

Die englische Version habe ich gefunden:



Mein #Vater (94) meint, dass es eine #deutsche #Version gegeben habe und diese hätte er gerne, dass sie bei seiner #Trauerfeier, wenn es denn soweit ist, gespielt wird.

Ich habe jetzt lange gesucht, aber wahrscheinlich immer die falschen Suchbegriffe eingegeben.

Der #Film lief unter dem #Titel :"Mutterliebe" bei uns in den #Kinos

Vielleicht habt ihr eine #Idee?


#UN #HQ built on a #slaughterhouse

as the #WHO who are now #slaughtering #humanity with #poison #injections

The United Nations Marks a Change
Still, the factories and #slaughterhouses remained on the landfill on the banks of the East River well into the 1940s. But that changed suddenly in #December #1946, when a you know who - John D. Rockefeller Jr. purchased six blocks of river frontage and donated it to the newly formed United Nations for its headquarters complex. Completed a few years later, the U.N. complex of buildings became among the most architecturally influential in the world, and its landscaped gardens a stark contrast to the industrial structures that had stood on the land for years. The tallest of the buildings, the 37-story Secretariat building, was the first building in New York to use a façade of glazed glass.
they knew they were going to #war with #humanity, well it just carried on ,the war never did end :(
